5’1” goal weight


New member
I range between 114-119lbs and my height is around 5’1” and 5’2”. I always thought that was a good weight for me. By no means am I stick thin. I definitely have some hips and have a C cup chest. But, recently I’ve seen people in this group wanting to get down to 105-110lbs or even lower. It kinda makes me question “what’s a good weight” for my height. So out of curiosity, what is your goal weight? Also, I’m in my early 30’s if that matters.
@laveena123 I’m 34 and 5’0 and currently 125. I lost some weight during Covid and went down to 112. I thought my goal was 105 but I actually felt good at 110-112 so changed my goal to that. I think it just depends when you’re happy with how you look. I loved how clothes fit at that weight also.
@chelsey423 Yea the thing is I don’t remember the last time I was 105lbs maybe 12 years old? Lol! But everyone is shaped different! I’m starting to think 112ish is my new goal. But, I’m fine with where I am at for now. I’m also trying to be to get pregnant and am scared to get too weight and food obsessed (which I can definitely go down that rabbit hole pretty fast).
@laveena123 posts like this are how i decided on my gw without ever being it. I’m 5’1 and im going for the small but muscular look (then eventually bulk) and my gw has always been 120-125 lbs. I’m not sure why other petites would want to be lower when they could feel and look just as good at a higher weight (by weightlifting).
@sop I think muscle has a TON to do with it! Honestly, I see women at 130lbs and my height look SMALLER than me because of muscle mass and body type. I guess it all differs.
and by this i mean girlies my height and taller, my heart goes out to the ones shorter than me y’all have the real struggle! 😭🫶🏻
@laveena123 My goal weight is around 103lbs. 6kg are incredibly slow to come off. For me it’s centered around slimming down problem area of legs.

I think your goal weight would depend on what you like for yourself, if you like your hips and chest, how much muscle is on your body,

Everyone’s body frames vary, and where and how we carry mass. So the same weight and measurements will look different on everyone, you just have to do what feels right to you , where you feel most comfortable being and maintaining

If you gained 10lbs in muscle mass, having a goal weight may not seem relevant
@laveena123 I agree that we all carry our weight differently. If you like how you look no need to compare yourself to others. Hips and a C cup? Genetics blessed you! I'm 4'11" and thought I plateaued at 114 but when I stopped weighing myself, months later I'm now at 107 and my stomach is flat so I'm satisfied at 107, 4'11". To lose the fat on my stomach I had to lose fat everywhere else. If I ever get implants I'm sure the scale will go up.
@brightflame Thank you! Yea I’ve never been a stick thin girl. I don’t even think my body type would allow it. Maybe if I stopped weighing myself I would do better! I think I have an obsession with the scale to an unhealthy extent. I bet you look amazing though ☺️
@laveena123 I’m 5’1 and I was like 115-119 a year or so ago. I decided I didn’t like how I looked and started working out and eating healthier and dropped to 109-112. I like how I look more and wouldn’t mind dropping more but it also be a lot more work and I would have to give up foods I enjoy even more. I love the occasional treat and need to have something sweet everyday !
@laveena123 It just depends on your body. I’ve always been able to pack on muscle easily but it looks flabby when I have a “healthy” amount of fat, even as a kid when I swam competitively and worked out for 3+ hours a day with major muscles. My body looks better and defined at a lower (but healthy) weight.

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