Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@deade Legumes, nuts, quinoa, seeds, tofu, veggies, etc. I don’t find it hard at all to get my protein/calories in.

Most meals are just a variation of grain+legume+veggies+spices. I also love steel cut oats with chia and flax and fruit for breakfast. Some of my other go-tos are black bean and sweet potato burritos, hummus and veggies, roasted veggies and tofu, stir fry/fried rice, veggie sandwiches on whole wheat bread/bagels, whole wheat pasta+sauce/veggies/beans.
@stephny 150 cm tall on a good day. I’ve finally broken through the 60kg barrier with a combination lot of walking/jogging and a small amount of strength training. Immediate goal is 55kg with 50kg as UGW
@stephny 5'3 fluctuating between 135-140. Goal is 130-135. Workout 5x a week doing cardio + strength training. Another day during the week I'll do light cardio. Try to keep it under 1500 calories and on a high protein diet but some days are harder than others 🥲
@stephny I’m going for bottom of my healthy BMI range (currently a bit overweight. I was there before and it was the only time my heavy chest was proportional with the rest of my body 🥲
@stephny I'm 162lbs or 73.5kg at the moment. I would love to be 63kg lol. Honestly, 63kg is probably my goal weight. I'd love to be under 140lbs but not sure I could maintain much under that. If I could get 63kg I'd try to lose a bit more and see how that feels but if the 63 stuck than I'd be cool with that. I got back down to 140lb a couple of years ago and everyone was always telling me how tiny I looked. I carry my weight in my thighs and butt so upper body looks very slim at that weight and I don't mind the bit of padding in the lower body. I also tend to gain muscle easily when I am working out consistently.
@stephny I am 5'1" on a good day. Sw:186 cw:166 with a goal of 135 just to assess. I've felt good and strong at 145 as well.
I have been doing Caroline Girvan workouts since the beginning of the year (Iron and then Fuel) as well as C25K and getting in a minimum of 10k steps a day. Unfortunately I'm going through some things emotionally and it's affected my appetite, so I've seen rapid weight loss due to my mental state. I'm hoping to come back into the sunshine and then will prioritize a deficit with lots of whole foods and protein. One day at a time.
@stephny 5'3/4" (had a doctor once say 'Ill be nice and put 5'1") CW 64-65kg. I would be happy to be at 61-62kg, which was my weight for most of my 20s. BMI says I should be 59kg but 1. I have huge boobs and that's where I lose from 2. I'm old and everywhere I lose is going to sag 3. I want to build muscle, which is going to add weight.

It doesn't sound like much of a goal but I'm having a really hard time making the changes it would require (pretty much not eating what my family does, finding an exercise routine I can stick to with a very erratic weekly schedule, and very little willpower).

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