5’1” goal weight

@laveena123 I’m 5’2”, late 30s, and am currently 135lbs after a ~50lb weight loss over the last year. I would like to lose another ~10lbs as I still have a bit of a belly, but 125lbs would probably be the absolute lowest most sustainable weight for my build, but low 130s would be fine too.

I found this great resource online that demonstrates how different weights look at the same height and found it really useful in setting reasonable goals for myself. For me, the women who most resemble my build and have similar muscle mass to me are high 120s to mid 130s and that is really grounding. I always thought I should be 115 or so, but now realize that’s completely unrealistic for my body. I’m also less concerned learning someone who’s 5’2” is 30lbs lighter than me, because they would have to have the build to support that weight in order to be healthy. That’ll never be me, and that’s just fine.

Height and Weight Chart
@kuivivy Congratulations on your weight loss! That’s amazing! Thank you for the link! I think finding people with your built, weight and height is SO helpful. Especially as someone that struggles with body dysmorphia, as I do.
@teresafiatlux Same! I can get down to 100lbs and still be in a healthy BMI but will I ever get there without INTENSE diet and exercise? Not a chance lol. I think that’s a great weight for your height! Again; muscle has SO much to do with it.
@laveena123 I'm 5'1.5" and weighing in between 118-120lbs. I'm most comfortable around 115lbs but I'm definitely in good shape right now and can't say I need to lose weight. I regularly lift and workout and carry my weight in my legs/butt with visible abs at this weight. Like others have said, it's very personal and depends on how you carry your weight and body composition. I'm probably about 21-22% body fat.
@lily7 If I had visible abs I would be happy at any weight! You got girl! I have one of those scales that tells you your fat percentage but I hear they aren’t correct so I take it with a grain of salt. But, from the scale it says I’m right under 22% body fat… if it’s accurate is another story 😅
@laveena123 It's all about body composition and weight distribution! Id look sickly if I got down to 105, which seems to be a popular goal for a lot of women in this sub. I was 112 a few years ago and a few people thought I was too thin then. My body seems to like being this weight and I'm good with that. Ive gotten a couple of body scans done at my old gym. It's so hard to know if those things are reliable! Focus on feeling good and moving your body in ways you enjoy. The rest will come.
@lily7 Oh! I would love to get a legit body scan. You are right one, it’s so much about muscle mass it’s crazy how much focus we even put on BMI because I see 140lb short girls and they are technically “obese” but in reality they look JACKED and so tone!
@laveena123 It really depends on your frame size and body composition. I’m just under 5’1”, CW135 GW120-115. I lift heavy and have for several years, so I carry a bit more weight. While 105 might look great on many girls our size- I would likely be at such a low body fat I would probably lose my period or experience other issues.
@laveena123 i’m 5’1.5– when i was working a job that required tons of walking (shout-out retail) i was clocking in at around 96-100. i can’t remember what my diet was like but it wasn’t insane or anything, i simply was walking 15-20k steps a day.

two years later and a different career path, i went from that, to 90, then shot up to 120. mostly because i got depressed and haven’t been doing the insane walking for work anymore. i feel really bad at this weight, i definitely felt most comfortable at the lower range. (anyone got podcast recs? i need a good library to listen to if i wanna hit those step counts again 🥲)

eta: everyone in my family is petite, so i think it definitely has to do with genetics!
@jcdiva88 Honestly, you are still tiny in my eyes! But I 100% understand weight and depression. Walking is my best friend even though some weeks I don’t walk as much as I should. Also, lifting has changed my life. Remember, you can do anything you put your mind to, including loosing weight! What type of podcasts do you like to listen to??? I love audiobooks.
@laveena123 I’m 5’1” and am a really comfortable weight between 113-119lbs. Getting below 113lbs means restricting eating in a way that is not comfortable or useful to me. I’m currently around 138lbs for the first time in my life, and it is incredibly uncomfortable to me. My joints hurt, I have no flexibility, my clothes are uncomfortable, etc. Right now my goal is to get back to 117lbs, where I lived really comfortably without having to concern myself with counting calories all the time.
@crystalcrane21 Same! I think getting to even 113lb I would have to watch everything going inside my mouth to an extreme. I have to be careful not to get obsessed about weight. I’ve been up to 138lb too and I get that feeling 100%. It’s just life going up and down in weight but I KNOW you are going to crush this weight loss ☺️
@laveena123 Just for a different perspective: I'm a bit under 5'1 and would love to be 130-135 (about 10 lbs less than I am now)

I'm also pushing 50 years old and don't want to loose my big boobs entirely.
@laveena123 I like to sit between 115-120. Right now, I am much heavier due to surgery and recovery, so I am giving myself about 2 years to get back to fighting weight/shape. While I have a small frame, I would never consider myself thin, I prefer a muscular build.

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