5’1” goal weight

@inneed87 Healing is definitely the most important thing to focus on rn. I prefer the muscular build too! Hoping you heal soon and recovery to be better than before ☺️
@laveena123 I'm at about 122 now with a 26 inch waist. I'd like to increase muscle mass, but weigh about the same. There are genetic limits on the amount of muscle mass we can put on. I don't know what mine are, but I expect to have a better idea at the end of this year. My LBM will probably be somewhere between 95-110 based on research and calculations (right now it's about 90). At that point I may or may not cut for a lower percentage of body fat (aiming for about 20%). I don't have a goal weight yet because I haven't really figured out what my ultimate LBM is. Chances are it will be around the same weight as now, give or take about 10 lbs.

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