6-week mini cut results

@specialdsdaddy Same. 5’1 and maybe 108lbs, and my maintenance according to my Apple Watch is 1800-1900 a day. When I was trying to cut quickly before an event, ate around 1200-1300, lost weight very fast, and was miserable lol. If I eat 1500 I still lose weight. Although I do stand/walk most of my days, and exercise 6x a week.
@johnacola Thank you for sharing! this is really motivating! Also, I love the video format for sharing progress... you look like a badass character in a fighting game character selection screen in your After video.
@gwwhaley Hahah thanks! I prefer taking video if I’m posting progress. I feel like it’s easy to alter photos but videos are more honest and show more angles.
@johnacola You look AMAZING wow. As someone who is short (5'2) and fairly 'skinny-fat', this is exactly the motivation I need. Time to clean up my quarantine diet ....
@johnacola Amazing progress! Would you say "big lifts" (BB squat, deadlift, etc.) were essential to achieving your current physique? For myself, I have seen decent progress with tracking macros and strength training, but tend to stick to dumbbells, cables, and machines.

I train primarily for aesthetics and have been doing the Bodies by Rachel Bikini Body guide, but am wondering if need to incorporate more barbell work/a program like ICF to achieve my goals (aka a body that looks like yours 😂)
@edwinjwhite I 100% credit big lifts to the foundation that I built that was hiding below the surface. I spent the first few years of my fitness journey focusing on lifting very light (pink 5lb dumbbell type workouts) and it wasn't until I got over my anxiety of looking stupid in the gym and started squatting, benching, and dead lifting that I saw real changes in my physique. After that, it was just dialing in the nutrition. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE my accessory work but big lifts are somethin' else.
@johnacola Thank you for posting this! I’m turning 27 and I’m 5’1” and losing the progress I made a few months ago due to gym closure.

I’m realizing that I need to pay way more attention to my food intake and my size and my thyroid issue mean less is okay as long as I’m healthy. I thought I was doing okay but apparently not. And thank you for the cardio insight too. I’ve been struggling with that and your workout list gave me some ideas besides bike rides.

I used to weight about 115 and I am going to try to get back to that.
@naijaboy17 Canadian Protein Whey Protein Concentrate (my fave right now is their limited edition Cereal Milk flavor). Lately I've been mixing 125g 0% Greek Yogurt with 30g of the protein and affectionately call it Protein Pudding. Its delish. Their powders dissolve super well.
@naijaboy17 I haven’t actually! I’m a freak and only mix it with a few ounces of water and chug it back like a milkshake. My husband gets grossed out by it lol but it dissolves so well that it’s not bad.