6 years after discovering /r/bwf


New member
Progress Pic -- UPDATE: More details on my journey in my Submission for /r/bodyweightfitness contest

Six years ago, I quit smoking cigarettes, decided to learn how to handstand, and discovered this subreddit. I was underweight, and started to work on my diet. I met /@fromgenesistorevelation and all the other great content creators of the time, and learned everything I could. I also left my job and enrolled at a university.

One year later, I came back to report my progress.

Since then, I've received my Bachelor's degree and am almost finished with my Master's! I've spent most of this time just trying to maintain my health while focusing on academics, so my focus on fitness has been very on and off. Then I started rock climbing 2 years ago, which has become my primary form of exercise -- these days I generally only see /@deborah123 over in /r/climbharder.

It's been an awesome ride, and I can't thank /r/bodyweightfitness enough for being there when it counted. You guys have made a huge difference in my health, my life, and my happiness. I hope everyone just starting out here finds the success that I have found in these exercises and this community.


Instagram - I'm about to start a more focused training regimen to improve my climbing if anyone is interested in the progress to come! You guys are my motivation!

Here's my current: Human Flag, Strict Pull Ups, and Front Lever



My Diet Advice - How I gained weight (Obligatory IANAD) - Comment I made on an old post in this sub

My tips for quitting smoking


EDIT 2 - The mods have awoken...

Age: 24 to 30, Weight: 112 lbs to 132 lbs, Height: 5'7 to 5'7. Sex: What do you think?

Routine: First year was only handstands (15 minutes a day) and pull ups (3 sets of X, GTG). I then started doing pushups (3 sets of X), pull up variations (archer, typewriter), handstand pushups, bodyweight squats -> pistol squats. Hanging leg raises and planks (got to 8 minutes static hold).

These days, I go to a bouldering gym 2 hours/day, 3 days/week (mostly indoors right now, but hoping to get outside more soon! Sport climbers / boulderers in Arizona hmu!) I had shoulder surgery on a labrum tear last year, and really just started taking pullups, dips, and pushups seriously again. The only gains I care to make now are the gains that will help me get up the wall.
@godsu You absolute fucking unit. Whenever you decide to join the dark side of bodybuilding I’ll be welcoming you with open arms. Good job, man.
@cmuskwa Thanks! My body building friend has been telling me to start lifting since the 1 year mark. I tried it for a couple months, but wasn't really enjoying the gym atmosphere.

Edit: You are my body building friend
@godsu Same man. If I had my own rack and equipment in my garden I'd probably get into lifting, but I'm really not a fan of indoor gym environments (the strip lighting, the air con, the music, being surrounded by other people working out). BWF is just so much more enjoyable and liberating since you can do it outdoors, in nature or at home. The sheer simplicity of it is very satisfying...it often feels like being a kid playing again.
@dawn16 I went to a gym (Well, it was a hotel gym) a couple weeks ago after having not been one for years. It was really unusual having mirrors everywhere to stare at myself while working out. Not gonna lie though, it was cool seeing my vascularity.
@dawn16 I'd love to have a gym next to me with more bars/bodyweight equipment. The one I currently go to is really well priced and kept in a good condition but I keep on feeling judgemental looks when I train any calisthenics moves, recently I was doing HSPUs (out of everyones way on the side) and overheard some guy talking about me showing off. Like mind your own business asshole.
@godsu Alright, so serious question. I've been lifting and climbing, but recently I've been really investing in climbing. My goal is to hit a 5.13a. I've done some amazing catch up so far hitting 12a sport but only 11c lead.

So I just want to clarify that you've achieved the above without lifting weights at all? I noticed I climb significantly better when I don't lift, but I'm a bit scared of atrophy/overall strength loss from my not lifting.

5'6" 149. Obviously, I carry a bit more fat than you lol. However, your current form is pretty much what I want to work towards.

I'll make sure to check out your insta. It seems like we have similar goals.
@rachelred827 I'd say we have very similar goals. I want v10/5.13 (I'm a long, long, LONG ways off from both).

In the summer of I want to say 2016, I did 2 months of starting strength in a gym. I own a couple dumbells which I'm supposed to be using to strengthen my shoulders, but they're gathering dust. That's the extent of my weight lifting.

From what I've learned reading /r/climbharder, most people seem to be saying that doing a standard weight lifting routine while climbing can limit your climbing progress due to maybe limited energy and recovery time needed. On the other hand, people like magnus midtbo are clearly lifting weights, but are doing exercises specifically to improve certain aspects of their climbing.

I know the same argument is made for long distance / ultra runners. If you enjoy it, keep doing it. If you only want to improve your climbing, you have to find a balance.

If I don't take rest days, my climbing degenerates rapidly. I'll be experimenting with max hangs, weighted pull ups, and campus boards soon, and am interested to see their impact on my performance.

I'm currently climbing (indoor) v6.
@godsu Ok cool, yeah v6's here too as well. Subbed to r/climbharder, thanks for that.

That's my current connumdrum as I climb T/Th/Sat and lift m/w or m/f. With some militantly heinous yoga my friend drags me to mixed in there. Recovery time is just not there and I end up hurting by Saturday. Though, I'm also 10 years older.

I love lifting, but it's not the same as climbing. Looks like it may be time to drop the traditional weight setup.

Thanks for your response and the thread. Really appreciate you.
@godsu You look like a chiseled statue. Surreal! Being hella lean looks so much more impressive than having any layer of fat. Can you write why you were underweight to begin with? Most people have the opposite problem. Maybe one can glean things about that underweight lifestyle and apply it if they are trying to lose weight.
@fromgenesistorevelation I added a link to the original post about the diet that I turned to. I was underweight for the same reason *everyone is underweight. I didn't eat enough. I didn't have a bad relationship with food. No eating disorder. I just ate the amount that I was comfortable with eating and never more. I'd eat large meals, but then there'd be days where I skipped a meal without thinking anything of it. So my average daily calorie intake was just not what it needed to be.

You deserve a longer response, but I've got to get back to my thesis for now.
there'd be days where I skipped a meal without thinking anything of it.


I've got to get back to my thesis for now.

This right here tells a lot!!! You have purpose. A mission. Goals. And you set yourself out to complete them and there ain’t no bored downtime to distract yourself with food to thwart you from your mission. KEEP GETTING IT BRO. Fulfill your life purpose. You are a prime example of how all men should be driven. BBL FIRED MYSELF UP, GOT TOO MUCH SHIT TO DO NOW TOO.