6'3/M/20 - 187 lbs, 13-15% BF - My goal is to get to 243 lbs (110 kg) and 8-10% BF, would appreciate advice!


New member
First of all, I don't know if this falls under "beginner posts", if that's the case please let me know mods.

I want to know how I should go about going from where I am now to my goal weight and body composition.

My plan right now is to cut down to 10-12% BF and then do a slow bulk to 110 kg and 15-17% BF first, before cutting down to 10% again, and complete the final stretch in another bulk/cut cycle.

I plan to have this physique around the age of 25.

I will not ever take PEDs/steroids, doing this all naturally.

Also worth mentioning is I train extremely hard, and push the last set of most big exercises beyond failure with 3-5 forced reps.

I imagine there is a way to push beyond your "genetic limit", which while possible, is painful.

Before you say it's not possible, a similar FFMI has been observed in natural trainees. 110kg and 8% body fat at 6'3 gives us a score of 27,34, and the largest natural trainee documented has achieved a score of 28.

Now, by all means, it is statistically unlikely that I am a genetic freak, but you never know.

Let me know what you think!
@luxchmi So, your goal is to be bigger than Arnold in his prime, without doing the drugs or being a genetic freak like he was, and you want to do this in five years. I guess it’s great to have goals - but honestly, lofty goals like this almost always either end up burning folks out, causing them to just quit in frustration or turning them to the dark side when they find they were shooting for the moon in a paper rocket. Good luck!
@benjaminthewolf Mr Olympia just finished and we have Chris Bumstead at 6'1 and 230 lbs winning his fifth title. He's arguably the goat of classic physique and on plenty of juice. I don't see how anyone with any insight into lifting can conceive that being even remotely possible as a natural.

Your analogy about shooting for the moon in a paper rocket is nothing but apt. Good luck to the young fella.
@luxchmi The physique you're hoping for is most likely impossible without drugs. You're talking stage-ready Scwharzenegger numbers

No doubt you can still train and get big/look great

But I'm not sure you understand how much muscle tissue that is at those body fat percentages
@luxchmi unless you had the craziest month of all time you aren't 13-15% bf and you might be close to or in the 20s.

I'm genuinely not trying to sound mean but you're probably not as far along as you think and you are drastically underestimating how much work it takes to be where you want to - and you very well might burn out in the next year due to disappointment and lack of motivation.

that being said, only one way to find out - try your best!
unless you had the craziest month of all time you aren't 13-15% bf and you might be close to or in the 20s.

I have visible abs, so I'm probably close, and had my BF% measured a few months ago so I'm basing it off of the lean mass from that reading (I probably haven't lost muscle as I've gained strength during that time).

drastically underestimating how much work it takes to be where you want to

Let me know what I'm missing, I am prepared to train hard and progress for several years! Is there anything else to it?
@luxchmi Based on your post from a month ago u are definitely north of 15% bf, probably closer to 20%. You need to focus on gaining more muscle before trying to shred down. But for your height this is probably a good point to start a slow bulk
@luxchmi start putting in the hard work now and hopefully, during your journey, you'll gain better perspective about where you are now, where you'll be in a year, and how you'll be able to reach your end goal.

I truly think you'll be able to look very good in due time, but the sooner you stop worrying about these arbitrary numbers warped by your own perceptions, the sooner you'll find peace in your journey and happiness in your progress. you're dedicating a lot of time and mental energy into trying to reach this perception of perfection that has been simply boiled down into numbers without any meaning. you'll find that the exact weights, bf%s, and etc. won't mean anything once you're there and your goals and mindset will have likely completely changed at that point.
@luxchmi Ahh, notice you said you’re willing to work hard for “a few years” to achieve this.

This is a 10+ year goal and still probably not achievable naturally even with 10/10 training, diet and recovery protocols.
@luxchmi I'm not sure ur grasping how absurdly huge you'd look at 8%bf 110kg. My advice to you would be use your scale weight as a tool to assess progress interms of weight loss & gain but try not to get too attached to scale weight instead focus on how you look in the mirror & how your lifts progress.
@luxchmi Post a pic of yourself. Interested to really see if you are what you say.

Edited: just looked at your profile and yeah you are not 13-15 by any means. Sorry but you aren’t and not trying to be mean but you have a long ways to go
@luxchmi 243 lbs at 15% would be crazy and look crazy. I still think it’s doable after at least 10 years natty though. I highly doubt you could get to 243 at 8-10% though
@luxchmi That's adding around 80 pounds of muscle to your frame. That's fucking insane to try and do and next to impossible natty. Dorian Yates in Blood and Guts said himself that he had put on around 70 pounds of muscle since he started and he was on drugs with top tier bodybuilding genetics. Considering his candor with the rest of his methods and results I'd trust that estimate. It's good to have a big goal but you gotta be at least a little realistic
@luxchmi If this is your goal you are in the wrong sub my friend - this is NATURAL bodybuilding. Your goal is literally to be Arnold because that is pretty much his stats lol

You cannot have that much lean muscle on your frame within 5 years. You literally think you can get to Arnold level in 5 years? that is a little overconfident bro - not saying you wont get a really good physique in 5 years, just remember that Arnold trained his entire life to get to that point and he was on copious amounts of drugs. He also spent all day lifting and was coached by the greatest bodybuilders of the previous era.

Also being 8-10% bodyfat is unhealthy for most people - am like 20% right now and it is safer and my physique is still very defined - only lifters will know i am a higher bf because the normal person calls me ripped lol.

My advice is to keep training hard and you will build a very good physique. Will you build Arnolds physique? I mean, you could be a genetic superfreak, but i doubt it lol. You could look like a smaller version of Arny if you train to get his muscle proportions!
@luxchmi Am I reading you right that you’re going to cut down to 180 and then bulk 63 pounds? Adding roughly 45-50 pounds of muscle mass?

I really respect the goal, brobeans. But you might be basing your lean muscle gain numbers on newbie gains. It’s damn near impossible for a fully-trained lifter to gain that much muscle mass that quickly without PEDs and while having a social life. To help avoid burnout, I suggest you give this 8 years instead of 5. Also, if you’re looking at FFMI, you’re a tall person - you should probably use nFFMI to compare with people who aren’t as tall: https://legionathletics.com/ffmi-calculator/# .. normalized FFMI at 6’3” 243lbs 13% is an achievable (still extremely difficult) 25.84

That being said, please, prove us wrong! We’d all love to see you succeed in this goal and that timeframe suggestion is only supposed to help make your goal a bit more achievable. Good luck!
@luxchmi So you wanna be roughly the same composition as C-Bum, and remain natural for life?…….. Guess one can dream………that aside, why are you immediately starting with a cut? I’d just stay where you’re at, and start building muscle with a SMALL surplus. Just don’t allow yourself to get fat. I see no reason to drop your bf down right now. You’re perfectly healthy at 15%