A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

@bobwatkins Yes, I want to land a call center job and am already preparing for how it can impact my posture. However, when it comes to choosing between a call center/ customer service job and a 35 lb ice bag chucking job or any manufacturing job for that matter there is no comparison. Sitting for 8 hours as opposed to kneeling, bending, stocking 100 lb rice bags when you short as fuck😭😭😭. Anyone else fucked there body through manual labor?
@bobwatkins Nope, it should counteract a tiny bit but you won't see any major results.

To actually counter sitting for hours you have to make it your focus in the gym and outside.
@dawn16 I think based on my post people are assuming I’m trying to short cut working out at all. I currently do some half hour strength training 2x a week. So I think this is supplementing my strength training as well.
@dawn16 Yeah I’ve had a herniated disc L4-L5 for the last decade from constant soccer collisions and falls. So posture is especially important for me. Been focusing on strengthening the core and using proper form for squats and lifts (back straight, bending at the knee and keeping hips and butt pushed out on bend).
@bobwatkins If your job allows it, get up for 20 seconds every 20 minutes to an hour. Walk around your desk, maybe do an extra set of one of the stretches above if you notice something specific is tight. Moving every once and awhile really helps you from getting too stiff too quickly.
@coconut23 I have no option to do hanging in my flat as of now. I currently have no bar to hang from, and the doorframes are rounded and I simply don't have the finger strength to hold that.

Is there a viable alternative?
@christianfamily Only place I could get that is my gym, but I got a hanging option there anways. The cool part about this is that I could do it after a run or my Taekwondo hours and not need a gym, but oh well. Thanks anyways!
@dawn16 Albeit not inside the flat, can you find something in or around your complex? Parking garage, stairway, etc that may have something structural to hang from?
@dawn16 Unfortunately there is not a perfect equivalent. This is a mistake on my side, an "equipment" is obviously needed to correctly hang. Skip the exercise. You could do a Standing Shoulder Flexion (arms overhead) for 30s instead but there is no "decompression" component, which is the main benefit of Hanging
@coconut23 Sometimes I just bend at the waist, cross my arms holding on to my elbows, and let the weight of my torso pull me down. I find this helps my back decompress. I get some pops, at least. I'll also hold a light weight or sticky my hands under my feet so I can pull on my upper back (carefully). Feels very good and similar to a jefferson curl, for me, but probably some risk of hurting yourself compared to just hanging from a bar.