A guy yelled at me at the gym


New member
Hello all! I wanted to share a weird experience I had this morning at the gym. Has anything like this happened to anyone else?

I, 22F, went to hit legs today. I saw the leg extension machine (which I thought to be) open, as no bags were around it, and no one was on the machine. I sat down and completed two full sets before this guy (maybe mid 50s) told me to take off my headphones, and he proceeded to ask me “are you going to let me finish?”. I didn’t know anyone was on the machine, so I apologized and said I didn’t know, and I got off the machine. He then proceeded to yell at me and use profanities, under the impression that I did on purpose?!! I literally said sorry, and he went on and on about how stupid I was. He then said “I’m going to take my time, so you can’t use the machine.”

At this point, I walked right up to an employee and explained what happened. I felt really unsafe to be honest, as this guy was probably a foot taller than me and obviously not in control of his emotions. The employee went to talk to the guy, and this man started yelling and using profanities at the employee!! The employee pleaded with him to calm down and not be rude. The guy then agreed to let me use the machine after, so I stood in front of him with a happy face (😊), staring at him until he finished (which was soon after bc I think me smiling at him made him uncomfortable). I don’t care. Kill them with kindness 😂
@mark1 No. I've been going to the gym regularly for years and I've never seen anything like that. Sorry for you that sucks. The guy should've been told to hit the road.
@mark1 Lol. I came in on a Sunday when nobody was there and 4 guys were rotating 4 machines/stations. They were sitting and talking for 5min so I asked one guy if I could work in on the dip station. He said prob.not. I just said "nope" and started loading it. He wasn't even using it right either.
@jordana14 I happen to be one of those guys who like to do super set’s especially on leg day. Think I was using 3- 4 machines at once today while talking to my girlfriend in between. However if I see anyone using the machine I have in my “ rotation “ or if someone asks to use it I let them have it every time. I don’t own the equipment and I have 3 other machines to use. If they all end up being taken oh well I just find something else to do. Sometimes people are just assholes.
@mark1 I use multiple machine, but I do 2 sets each just so it doesn’t look like I’m circuiting. As much as I want to use the machines in order I’m doing them, I don’t want people to feel they can’t jump on after I’m done. That would horribly selfish and rude. Plus, I can always go do something else. There’s always SOMETHING else that can be done instead!

That guys sounds like a nightmare to have to deal/work with.
@akirk That’s what I’m saying! Half the time, he was off on another machine. It’s so entitled to do that! Usually people have really good gym etiquette and are really chill and nice! Right? I feel bad for whoever he works with/is related to
@mark1 I hate those guys (and gals). It’s fine to work out that way when you’re not interfering with someone else’s workout but during peak times it’s not okay.

You were nice to apologize and get up, I wouldn’t have. It’s possible he wasn’t even using the machine but didn’t want to wait for you to finish so he used intimidation to get his way. His behavior toward you and the employee should have resulted in revoking his membership.

A couple of weeks ago a guy walked up to my daughter in the gym and told my daughter that he wanted to use the (leg curl) machine she was actively using. She said she’d be done in a minute. The jerk stood very close (too close) to her until she finished her set but she just ignored him.

I’m a woman and a few men over the years have tried to act like they own the gym and I (and other women) should just move out of their way. Nope, I paid for my membership just like they did and I’m willing to let them work in where possible but I will not vacate equipment for their convenience before I’m done.
@maduere I wouldn’t put it past them to get their way in the gym! I definitely felt intimidated. So cowardly to do this to young women! I’m sorry that it happened to your daughter. I will copy her strength, should this happen again!
@mark1 A guy yelled in my face last week, but he was asking if I wanted to use a machine that he was done with. He was really old and I think kinda deaf.