A guy yelled at me at the gym

@mark1 That is a terrible experience and I personally would like to apologize for it. not every one is comfortable being in the gym with other people, nor do they realize how much being could be intimating. especially how this individual responded to such a silly series off events is not acceptable. for you to be able to complete 2 sets including a rest period before he majority over reacted is crazy, A gym should be a brother sister hood and everyone is there for the same reason. that individual need to do better especially doing it to you and a employee. he should off been asked to leave in my personal opinion. Again im sorry, hope you had a great work out and he seen how silly he was with your kindness
@lazarusjoseph14 Thank you so much for saying that! That really means a lot 🥲🤍 I’m a little apprehensive going to the gym alone now because of this. I usually go with my bf. I kind of think this wouldn’t have happened if he was there with me. I still had a great workout, and that’s all the matters. Dude has got to chill!! Imagine how he’d react if something actually really bad happened😭
@mark1 Not saying it would off if your bf was there but regardless him there or not you shouldn’t off had to go through that. Happy you had a great workout and it didn’t turn you from the gym. People like that don’t deserve to be at that gym with that kind of attitude.
@mark1 Crazy. Everyone at my gym, even the really big ripped dudes are polite to the point of being timid. Having trouble processing this.

Sorry you had that experience. 🥺
@paulrick600 I’m glad that you’ve had great experiences at the gym 😊 Usually, I have nothing but positive experiences with others at the gym. This by far is an outlier
@mark1 Well honestly that's something I might go to the management for. But some people are just like that.

We are on our own fitness journeys. We should be supportive of one another.
@mark1 Ain’t no way im not going to management with that. Could be it’s happened before or will happen again to someone else in the future, and if they get multiple reports it’s more likely he will get punished or banned for it.
@kinggan I agree, and from the sound of the employees voice (and their disposition), I think he knew this guy already. Seems like gyms should have stricter rules and ban more people for stuff like this
@mark1 I hate jackasses like that. And also someone who takes bunch of benches and equipments just so they can use them like they are their personal gym equipments while tens of us waiting for that dude to be done….
@mark1 honestly hes just a grumpy old fart that should know better than to be absing anyone at the gym

i mean people sometimes have issues that make them have outbursts but ranting on at you for ages is something else

i have had older males try this on me i am not very polite in return also they HATE it when you just walk off and ignore them they try and follow you hahahahahahahaha as though you HAVE to listen to their incessant abusive ranting because THEY are so important.

Well newsflash they arent

Its the entitlement of men of that generation they were raised to think that their opinion matters it does NOT
@manny2503 Their fragile egos😭 this is so spot on! I hate to say it’s a generational thing, but it’s a clear pattern with people that age. These people need therapy fr💀 like they’re just bullying as adults
@mark1 It’s really, really not (a generational thing) - it’s an individual ass-hat thing. I’m 51. In my51 years I’ve seen people (in equal number) from all ages and walks-of-life behave this way. I know it’s easy (comforting?) to try to ‘categorize’ - but that’s an unfortunate way to start thinking…
@mark1 Oh that's horrible. How long till gyms have on-site security. I like you attitude towards the end you're a winner getting your work out done good on you.