A weird trick I just discovered


New member
Apparently taking your B vitamins can help with appetite.

I started taking a B complex every day recently for reasons unrelated to weight loss (mostly related to my hair lol). I know the topic of vitamins can be controversial and many people say there’s no point to them, but…

I noticed ever since, I struggle with snacking way, WAY less. I am satiated much more easily. I didn’t know what was causing it and went into my food tracking app to figure out if there’s a pattern there, but nothing really changed. I realized it might be due to vitamin intake and looked it up, lo and behold B vitamins are said to help with that. No idea why. But I am now going to stay on top of it.

I’ve also been taking vitamin c and an iron supplement (I’ve been iron deficient, just neglecting it lmao). The iron seems to be helping with my energy levels too, and my skin seems brighter so overall I am happy with my decisions.

Any other unexpected tricks you guys have figured out to help with your diet?
@mihai_1991 I’ve taken b complex for years and I notice this too. It’s also one of the view evidence based vitamins for mood and energy.

I take a b complex and cut it half. I take half in the morning and half in the afternoon. Then I feel like and energizer bunny
@giftofgod2 Oh man that’s smart to cut it up. I do notice a big change in energy levels and I’ve also since noticed that energy drinks typically have hella B vitamins in them too, which probably is what makes them work!

Weird question but…I wonder if you’ve noticed your pee is an insane color since taking B vitamins?? In the morning mine is like, neon even though I drink so much water. I figure it’s just cause excess gets excreted through urine but omg 🥸
@mihai_1991 Your pee turns yellow because your body doesn’t absorb all the vitamin and excretes it out of your body. All water soluble vitamins will do this. B and C are big culprits for it
@mihai_1991 Just don’t overdose gang! A multi plus a supplement plus energy drinks and you are overdoing it. Yes it is water soluble but that crap is hard on your kidneys and if you end up dehydrated you can cause yourself some problems.