My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me

@kent1956 Great progress. However, The heading is misleading, it is not a split. It is a full body workout. Best for general conditioning and overall growth. I can only imagine the amount of food you will need to sustain this kind of volume. 45 lbs in 3 years is amazing progress.

I would really like to know more about this. Is the weights used for the 3 worksets constant or you ramp it up?

What's the intensity like, do you go close to failure every set or keep RIR and focus on form?

How did you decide on using full body program? Not sure, if you'd remember exactly, but, if you can remember, how did you start on this?

This is coincidence, because i too want to go back to a routine similar to yours, but i always burn out on full body workouts.
@hopeseven77 For now, it’s constant. I’m not trying to get any stronger nor do I really want to. This weight is just the weight that my body adapted to over the course of 3 years. I’d like to think I have decent genetics and I’m also pretty tall and young. I’m also self employed, so I can eat whenever I want to which makes a huge difference, and I also get plenty of sleep. I could never do this workout on a typical 9-5 because it takes so much time and I’m always hungry haha.
@kent1956 Only thing that worried me is that at the end of your workout your sets wont be good due to being more tired. I went from 6'3 150lbs to 6'3 225lbs in a year so speed of progress isnt insane. Maybe eat more?

And guys remember if diet, sleep and rest are dialed in and you just go to the gym somewhat you will make gains so your plan might be bad although you will still make progress.
@kent1956 Oh man, assuming you're training to near failure for your working sets you seriously are a genetic outlier being able to handle all that volume haha. Post pics!
@kent1956 Fitness is one field where almost anything works over time and that anecdotal experience can lead someone to think that what they're doing is good because they have seen results.

But this is absolutely terrible. Most of what you're doing here will be providing no stimulus whatsoever and will mostly be junk volume, not to mention the massive redundancy. Even doing 1 set of everything with high intensity will be too much. All you're doing is massing high fatigue and ruining the stimulus from later exercises.

I'd recommend throwing this in the bin and looking for another workout to begin again with the same exercises you enjoy, arranged in a proper split that suits you with much lower volume.

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