My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me

@kent1956 I mean yeah, with 4 times a week frequency and that kind of volume I'm not surprised.

I don't want to be in the gym for 3 hours though.

Also, a lot of people do not specify enough with their training and never actually get anywhere, the easiest solution is to do like you did, and just do the same shit every time you go to the gym. Progress will be so much more evident and easier to track.
@nightfire411 It definitely was easier to track, but I completely understand the time thing. I’m self employed so I can work out whenever it fits into my day, and I also don’t have the same stresses as a typical 9-5 which helps a lot.
@deesweetz I’m self employed which really helps me on recovery days and also gets rid of a lot of regular 9-5 type stress factors. I think that makes the most impact on my recovery and strength gains over the course of 3 years, but I’m also young and pretty tall with a good frame to work with
@kent1956 There is a lot to be said for doing the same exercises nearly every day. I also experienced great gains when doing a scaled back version of this.

Today I do a bro split 6x per week, but this has me thinking that maybe I should switch things up for a bit and go with something more like this.
@kent1956 I kind of dig it. I’ve been looking for a 3-day/week weight program, because I like to run on 3 of the off days and cycle for 1 day (I’d just swap your Saturday workout for a cycling session). My body generally responds better to muscle grouping weight routines rather than full body, but at only 3 days/week I don’t feel I’m circling back to that grouping quickly enough.

That is a ton of reps though. How long does this take you?
@rosemaryn Generally around 2 and a half hours. This is just what works for me personally and I’ve seen the most improvement in my overall life and health. I’m also self employed so it’s manageable in terms of rest and diet.
@kent1956 I can see that. Some of these would take me 15 minutes alone (i.e., squats or deadlifts - but I usually do ~6 sets of those). I'm actually not working at the moment, so time isn't an issue, but I'll be back in the field soon, so I'll want to modify it to something sustainable, like 1.5 hours. I could probably split up exercises like squats and deadlifts, doing one then the other rotation. Anyway, good stuff - thanks for sharing.
@rosemaryn You could honestly pick one workout of each muscle group from this and it would take you about an hour. For me and my body, higher frequency lifts have always worked for me rather than a standard push pull legs split

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