My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me

@kent1956 So I finally got around to this today (was randomly sick for a few days). I decided to split the workout in half and slightly modify it. Today was Barbell Squat, Incline Bench, Dips, Flat Bench (dumbbells), Overhead Press (Barbell), Barbell Row, Ab roller. My next session will be Deadlifts, Pull-Ups (or chin-ups - nursing an injury and chin-ups don't impact this), Lunges w/ Dumbbells, Curls (dumbbell or barbell - again whatever is easier on my injury), Skull Crushers, Abs - Hanging Leg Lift (toes to bar).

I also like to increase the weights with each set while I decrease reps, so 4 sets = 12>10>8>6 reps.

One of the reasons I liked your workout is that I have most of that equipment at home but not all of it, hence the slight modifications. My only concern is missing out on some of the muscle-specific exercises I was doing before, but I'm not training for anything in particular at the moment, so hoping this "all over" workout will suffice. I'm also going to do this Mon-Weds-Fri, with my running sessions (5-6 miles) on Tues-Thurs, and cycling (25-30 miles) on Saturdays. Sundays will be an easy lift day. I finally got my wife to lift weights with me and she's agreed to Sundays - lol.

Felt pretty good after today's workout, so we'll see how this fairs after a few weeks. Honestly, it's just nice to mix up the programming. My old routine was getting stale.
@kent1956 This much all the time I’d never be able to relax. You can do the same exercises a lot like this for a time but over the long term you should change stuff up to allow the tendons and ligaments to heal(you can’t feel them till it too late a lot of times). Also take it easy and let your nervous system heal but this is also individual and I have no idea what the rest of your life looks like. Doing squats and rack pulls that much would take away
From the rest of my life.
@mormondave My abs are okay, I just do a lot of compounds which incorporates them and I’m also gassed at the end of this workout so I don’t put a huge focus on them. However, I’m very positive that if I did something different with more weight they’d look way better
@kent1956 I've seen that done before but it needed lots of food to fuel it and recover from it. Good thing about that kind of training if you slowly increase the weight over time you'll stall or you'll just not recover then you've got a good start for a different type of training program.
@glowing I’m self employed, so I don’t have the same kind of schedule as a 9-5, I just work what I need to work and can focus on eating whenever I want and sleeping plenty. I could never do this on a 9-5
@kent1956 God no. I just want from a 3 day week of 12 hour shifts and I could train all afternoon or all morning in a empty gym to a 9 to5 and it's shit but I'm still training. I could squat and bench 3 times a week and deadlift twice along with all the Extras. Now it's two days full body, cardio and bodyweight exercises during the week. That's life sometimes
@kent1956 This isn’t a split. It’s a full body routine done three days a week with an amount of volume that if you’re pushing yourself hard enough (and correctly), you shouldn’t be able to get past Romanian deadlifts. So I’m imagining you’re either not using a challenging enough weight or everything after your deadlifts is absolute trash. And this is COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO DOES HIGH VOLUME. You’re far better off spreading these staple exercises out throughout the week so you can give them the appropriate effort they each deserve. You’re young and as someone who is 37 and spent my 20s doing even more insane volume, this isn’t playing the long game and that’s what you want in bodybuilding. You’re going to wear the hell out of your adrenals, your cortisol is going to shoot up, you’re going to get hurt and/or you’re going to burn the hell out.
@vasily I appreciate your opinion but this is what works for me personally, and I’ve never felt better. I also have the time to do this sort of work out being self employed, which makes a huge difference in diet and rest.
@kent1956 How long have you been training and how long have you been training like this? In 10 years, I’d imagine you will have evolved in your practice.
@kent1956 I did not re-read it after you corrected it. Yeah this is the kind of stuff I would do in my 20s. Not sustainable. You’ll reach a point where it’s not something you can do anymore.
@kent1956 I’m telling you that this isn’t a split. A split is…

Mon: Quads, Glutes, Calves
Tues: Shoulders, Hams
Wed: OFF
Thurs: Back, Tris
Fri: Shoulders + Leg touchups
Sat: Chest, Bis
Sun: OFF

You provided a workout routine.
@kent1956 I’m just glad to see someone that’s actually strong naturally, if you are actually natural. There seems to be a lot of natural “bodybuilders” that can barely bench their body weight lol. I get everyone has to start somewhere, but progress comes a lot faster if you go hard like this guy and don’t use being natural as an excuse to lift like a puss.
@dawn16 These are the weights my body just adapted to after this type of intensity and I also eat a shit ton. I’m not really getting any stronger or bigger and I’m cool with that. My goal when I started was to actually be 200lbs but at 6’3” I got a little bigger than I thought
@kent1956 Your workout looks solid with the results to back it up. Nothing wrong with full body at all, people just shy away because it's hard work.

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