A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

@von20207777 Great progress, well done! Wish I'd been at that level when I was 19.

I have a few thoughts on form, though:
  • Handstands: your back is somewhat arched and your shoulders aren't fully extended. It might be a good idea to do some focus work on keeping a good hollow and on shoulder mobility to reach full extension.
  • 405 lbs DL: Your back is quite rounded in the DL and that is not good long term. Upper back can round a little, but you really want to work on bracing to keep your lower back straight and locked.
  • 165 lbs OHP: Same, but reverse. You're arching your back a lot - it's easier to lift like this, because you're moving the load from your shoulders to your pecs, but it's not good for you. It would be a good idea to work on bracing for the OHP, too.
@godswill414 Working on that handstand form. My wrist extensor tendinitis was a road block. Working on shoulder flexion.

Working on the deadlift too. I think I've figured it out, deadlifting tomorrow.

I actually did some OHP today with my body mostly hollow. Another work in progress.

I appreciate the feedback, thank you :)!
@von20207777 Awesome progress. I'm tying to move from bodybuilding to weighted calisthenics because I think it will have a better carry over for BJJ. Did you notice any aesthetic gains that came with your progress?
@von20207777 Great progress! Keep it up.

Key points that I experienced from doing body weight and power lifting in college.

Don't use that belt unless you are prepping for a competition. You will not allow your core to develop properly.

Deadlifts - straighten your back. Glute ham raises work wonders

Squat - drive with tour heels more. Getting your glutes more engaged will fix the back raise.

Pull ups - squeeze those lower abs to bring the hips forward a little more forward. This will give you more power

What got me to the 500+ squat & 600+ deadlift was endurance training. Every other day I worked on squats and deadlifts followed up with cycling between 10-30 miles. This really allowed me to recover and not get stuck on the John.

Hope this helps you on your journey.
@silversparrow Thank you!!! So I've actually started doing those cues and working on GHR so the first few points are covered. I will probably keep using the belt, I've seen studies that show the core development is equal if not better because you can actively engage against it. I also just feel better with it.

I actually want to start doing some light endurance work to build my work capacity especially with legs. I used to run long distance but my recovery just didn't allow for it with powerlifting.
@von20207777 Sure anytime,

Most importantly you have to find what works with your body. I had extremely slow progress with different styles of training until I did high intensity, high volume, and loads of cardio for recovery. Then my performance went to an 11 and it was great seeing the result take place in the lab.

Side note, if you want to see what your really capable of and want some more info check and see if your school has a kinesiology or equivalent dept. the students need people to readily test and work with.
@von20207777 Nice progress, congrats! Like your professional approach and how hard you push yourself and keep focus even though you seem to train alone. Great achievements!
@ausadhi I use 5/3/1 for lower. I do squat and dead days. On squat day I do a hamstring accessory (GHR progression 3x5-8). On dead day I do a quad accessory (pause high bar or front squats 3x5-8).

Then flexibility after with contract relax.
@von20207777 Wow congrats dude ! I'm your age and you're really an inspiration. I've been doing BWF since one year now and I would really love trying powerlifting and going to the gym. It's just not easy when you're a student and have to pay an expensive gym membership :p

Otherwise I really like that tuck planche, really impressive. Keep up the great work dude !
@childofthelord Thanks man :D. Means a lot to hear that.. really does. Keep up the awesome work. If you can't do powerlifting just progress your pistols and GHR and do powerlifting when you get the chance, you'll start stronger than most.

Does your uni not have a gym? I'm very fortunate mine has a nice one. Nevertheless keep it up.
@childofthelord Thanks man :D. Means a lot to hear that.. really does. Keep up the awesome work. If you can't do powerlifting just progress your pistols and GHR and do powerlifting when you get the chance, you'll start stronger than most.

Does your uni not have a gym? I'm very fortunate mine has a nice one. Nevertheless keep it up.
@von20207777 That's the truth ! I really want to be a complete athlete like you one day.
I would die for a gym like yours haha. I live in France so only big cities have uni with a gym (which aren't really good most of the time) so the answer is no :b

I love GHR but Pistols are way too easy for me now and it's really complicated to work on the quads properly so I think I'm going to enter a gym in the next months, even if it's not cheap.

Also, I have 2 questions :
- Do you do any cardio ?
- Except OG, where did you learn all your knowledge ?

Thanks for the answer!
@childofthelord I'm really not a "complete" athlete entirely :p. I used to do long distance running a lot but dropped it because it interfered with my lower body recovery. Wanna re-implement it. And I'm going to.

I'd like to add 25 minutes of light cardio a couple of days a week. For recovery purposes and work capacity.

I learned a ton from this subreddit, Alan Thrall on YouTube, CanditoTraining on YouTube, Starting Strength, StrengthTheory, and just in the general Internet.

No problem :)

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