Alternatives to 500 pound club?

@littlepebble Honestly after some of my gym interactions I’m beginning to think that. Most of the adult men are polite to me or yield machines to me (which is super unnecessary and not something I expect btw, just them being nice) but teen guys can be generally rude. If I stand up for 2 seconds to drink water one of them will swoop in and steal my weights.
@daveo He goes to my school, so I can actually answer this question. 200 squat, 130 bench, 250 deadlift and he weighs 140 pounds. It’s less about his skill level though and more just the fact that I’ve already had struggles with my weight before and I know him, so the comment made me cry
@crazythat He’s a mean boy being mean because he feels threatened. It’s hard to really internalize this message when you are a teen, but his words have nothing to do with you, and everything to do with his insecurities.
@crazythat He's 100% jealous and threatened. From what you've said here you're going to make an excellent lifter. Your putting up amazing numbers, with minimal training. I know women who are over 220lbs who cant lift that.

People try and find the thing that will get under your skin when they're trying to tear you down. Being female, the weight element almost always works on us.

But turn it around - it's true you've had a natural advantage being bigger, you're used to moving more weight day to day. But don't apologise for it - none of the small, light kids are apologising for their natural advantages in athletics! This boy has a natural advantage that he produces more testosterone, he's just not trained hard enough to capitalise on it. That's a him problem.

And...being bigger as a lifter is not a bad thing. Go look up female power lifting. Watch Tamara Walcott, she's a beast. She's amazing. You can be like her if you train. You don't have to try to be thin if you don't want to. You can be empowered and awesome and the weight that you are.

Keep lifting, sister! Ignore the haters!
@akimbastark Awww thank you so much!!! I'm definitely going to keep lifting :) Trying to absorb that mindset that I should be happy with my own strength no matter what other people say.
@crazythat Haha, does he go around saying that to the gigantic men in the gym? I'm gonna say no. It's 2023 and they're still raising boys to be intimidated by girls' and women's achievements.

You do you girl, next time just give him the side eye and ask the biggest guy in sight if he agrees with this moron's statement
@crazythat No one tells Olympic lifters that they can only lift that much because of their size, and they generally are not small, delicately boned people. Keep going, keep lifting!
@crazythat Oh my god please do not listen to this jealous ass rag.

I am SO impressed! I am 100 pounds heavier than you and I’m 5’10 and I can BARELY squat 100lbs. Seriously, you should be so stoked.
@eataylor Thank you so much hahaha! The squat is the only exercise that really ‘clicked’ for me. Something about the motion I just find easy. Bench, though— I started out barely able to do the bar.