Alternatives to 500 pound club?

@crazythat I’d add Jessica Buettner and Amanda Lawrence to that list. 76 and 84kg lifter and strong as hell.

You’re crushing it! Don’t let those scrawny little boys tell you otherwise.
@parentingpod Agree with this ^. I deleted my entire Instagram a year ago and created a new one where I only follow friends and family I know in real life. It has done absolute wonders for my body image!
@camo320 LMAO idk if that’s gonna happen anytime soon but I guess maybe a future goal to work towards as I grow up!!! I don’t know if I started too late but the idea of doing powerlifting as an adult is kind of looking appealing, I love weightlifting and I find myself in the gym 5-6 days a week because it feels like it’s a super satisfying kind of pain (especially the exercises I hate doing).
5’7” 180 pound

while it is true that you cant realistically expect from, say, 45kg girl to hit the 500 club, your size would be normal size for a man and men made the joke of a 500pound club. if anything you have a handicap of lack of right hormones. youre ok dont listen to dumb men.
@crazythat For rookie numbers that squat is really good- Considering you have t put in serious training for years, this is an Amazing start and you are naturally good at it! I recommend competing in the online garage gym competition for fun.
@crazythat F that teenage guy. F any idiot gym dude who feels the need to say something negative to you just to make themselves feel better! You are so young and already off to an amazing start ❤️ keep it up and with time you’re going to find the right people who support you on your lifting goals
@crazythat Lol what. Don't let that shithead ruin your day, that's very impressive. I've been at 170 at my most muscular+heavy, 500 club is not that easy. I'm a ways off and I've been training a long while. Pulling that off in a summer alone is nuts.
@crazythat “Mass moves mass” is something people say when they’re insecure little assholes who feel the need to put others down to feel better about themselves. Those are super impressive numbers!
@crazythat AMAZING!!!! I hope to one day to lift close to that :) keep up the good work and working towards a healthier life style!! Feel good about your achievements
@crazythat First off, how rude of that guy to say that! He’s mostly likely jealous or intimidated by you. It is an accomplishment and while it might be easier than someone that’s not built the same, you worked hard to get there. Also I’m sure your focus on the other two lifts helped your deadlift.

Maybe try for 700lbs or 800lbs total? Or you could try to use your bodyweight - like 1.75x body weight and work up to 2X body weight.