Alternatives to 500 pound club?


New member
Hello! Sorry if this post isn’t the right kind of post to be making as a stand-alone in this subreddit, I have never posted before.
I’m a 5’7” 180 pound 16 year old female. I started working out at the beginning of this summer because I was looking for something to do.

I heard a week ago about the 500 pound club and decided it would be fun to try and achieve that. I’d never done 1RM before, but after working my ass off, I finished with: 225 squat, 105 bench, 215 deadlift. I’ve been training squat and bench thoroughly throughout the summer but I’d actually never done a deadlift before so I can’t say it feels like as big of an achievement (I just put an arbitrary amount of weight on the bar that looked roughly equal to 200 pounds and went for it, conventional).

This total is over 500 pounds, but I can’t say I feel super good about it because one of the teenage guys at my gym told me when I was doing squat reps that I only do as much weight as I do because mass moves mass. I’m naturally built a bit large physically (have been >95th percentile weight since I was a kid, plus I’m a bit busty/curvy) and so it feels like being proud of hitting 500 lbs is a bit meaningless. What’s a goal I should set for myself instead that’s a little more fair, considering my body weight?

EDIT: thank you all!! 🥹 this really made my day. I feel a lot prouder now, but also— the grind is now on to get to 1/2/3 plates for bench/squat/deadlift. >:)
@crazythat You’re 16 and only been lifting for a couple months and you’re hitting those numbers? Ignore that guy he’s a complete moron. You should keep at this because I bet there are college scholarships in it for you if you do.
@srm332 LMAO I doubt it but thank you anyways :) I also row, so I started with a reasonable foundation as to build muscle, but also, genetics are on my side. My father could easily squat 400 lbs as a freshman in high school (and has some great videos to prove it lol)
@kenjisan70 I didn’t hit numbers like that until I’d been lifting consistently for years. Also that boy’s opinion isn’t worth the oxygen he used to say it
@srm332 Oh I've been lifting for years, but I wasn't really focusing on big numbers (and also multiple injuries kept setting me back over and over, ugh).

Boys with Opinions are...just whatever. lol.
@kenjisan70 I'm in my 30s and I think my max squat was around 235, she's doing quite well especially at her age. There's a good chance he didn't know her age too. Either way she has a lot to be confident in herself over for even doing the free weights not to mention trying the challenge.
@alexcg He sounds jealous you

Did that without training for

It specifically

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@crazythat First, I'll bet that dude was jealous, because his squat is weaker.

Second, the 500 club is absolutely an achievement.

I would say the next step could be a 1/2/3 plate on the bench/squat/deadlift. That's pretty close, the next after would maybe be a bodyweight bench, 2X bodyweight squat and deadlift.

If you feel like learning the Olympic lifts, you could always go for bodyweight on those. It would basically be like taking that jerky boy and throwing him over your head.

I hope my daughter is as strong and hard working as you when she gets to your age.
@ulkon Thank you :) I really appreciate it!! And your suggestion of the 1/2/3 plate will probably be my next goal. Part of the reason I felt so driven to hit 225 on the squat was because I wanted to be able to say I can squat 2 plates XD
@ulkon Oh, and btw— I’d love to learn oly lifts but they’re prohibited for teenagers at my gym because of liability issues :( Hopefully I can try eventually
@crazythat You received so many replies but I have to add my own.

I’m so proud of you and the work that you’re putting in. What you’re doing is amazing. That guy is JEALOUS. Seriously. Lifting heavier than your body weight after only a few months is incredible. You should be proud!!!

I’m a lot older than you and I first joined a gym when I was 16. There were some machines and we used tiny dumbbells in our classes.

I never saw any females lifting with a barbell. EVER. And what I now know….I just wish I started when I was much younger.

@truckerdan YES!! Thank you so much ❤️ I’ve read every comment and they’ve all warmed my heart, lol. I’m going to keep pushing to better myself but not because of that guy :)