An interesting Athlean X take on planks

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@fullspinzoo Who does planks to work their glutes or strengthen their upper back? I've never heard these misconceptions. The Plank is simply an isometric abs workout. Yeah, you contract those muscles as antagonists, but is anyone really confused and think they are the main targets?
@bwattz Planks have a place in a program designed to help lower back pain and increase core strength. But no PT is going to have you doing planks to strengthen your but or back. They might include them in a program with stuff like glute bridges and rows.
I've met many PTs who act like the plank is the end all be all for core strength

And even that is a 100x better and more real position than the ones Athlean X was addressing. Planks do strengthen the "core", as vague of a term as that is, even if they don't do it comprehensively. On the flip side, Athena X attacks some pretty wild straw men.

e.g. at 1:54 in the video he says "people say it's a great glute exercise" and provides a supposed example of that advice. Have you ever heard a PT say planks are a great glute exercise? I haven't. Hell his own example doesn't even say that! The example he is highlighting says, paraphrasing, "while the plank isn't a glute exercise, you need to contract them to maintain tension and increase the difficulty of the plank". That's good advice!

It's like he is going out of his way to misunderstand the article/advice people give regarding planks so he can "correct" them.
@manuelm Maybe just an alternative progression, or complementary to, as opposed to a valid replacement. It seems that the extension progression is a bit more dynamic.
@fullspinzoo I have a mixed opinion about his argument, but im sure he went full straw man.

I have never heard someone suggesting planks for hours or planks for V cut abs. I have always heard of planks as the foundation to teach posterior pelvic tilt.

So I agree with him because he is right, doing planks for longer wont let you progress but I dont think planks are useless because they are useful to teach pelvic and scapular proprioception for a beginner.
I have always heard of planks as the foundation to teach posterior pelvic tilt.

Also beginners at strength training are often incredibly weak in their core muscles. I know adults who can't use a foam roller to roll out their back because it is too hard on their abs. This is where most out of shape people start in terms of core strength. The plank is a good beginner core strength exercise for that.
@heptatron I ordered the base AX-1 and the Inferno Shred.
I have a lot of injuries and limitations I have to work around so I don’t follow anything from anyone strictly. I use them more as guides for intensity, volume, scheduling.
The reason I like his videos so much is I can pick and choose nuggets of info to incorporate into the things I’m working on.
Saying that, I think the programs and online site are very well done.