Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

@jtahalele It’s his forum. He can say whatever he wants.

I’m sure he’s said his fair share of questionable things but I just don’t think he’s meaning to say what OP proposed he’s saying.

Mark is generally one of the most clear spoken people I’ve ever seen.

He could but that really doesn’t seem to be his style. I’m realizing I’m alone here so maybe I’m the one misinterpreting this but I really do not care either way.
@orthogelical If it is, then they're spineless and an obvious pick-me. If not, then they're definitely an incel, given their posts. Either way, they're riding Mark hard and in love or something, with all the gymnastics they're doing.
@eslombe And that apparently the "water is muddied" because he knows "women who would agree". About beating women. Yeah. Mark is one hundred percent in the wrong here, and I'm not easily on the outrage train. This pisses me off though.
@rafael_ Only cause their incely alpha male selves feel threatened by women being strong and speaking their minds lol

I feel for these guys' mothers/sisters/wives/girlfriends (I reckon they have at least one of those).
@brianhex I’m glad this got brought up here because that comment is absolutely vile. I’m so disgusted.

I’m glad I’ve never used Starting Strength. Jesus Christ.

“I know some women who would agree with this” what women would EVER agree with this bullshit?
@uktom I mean I’d honestly be pretty down to get 10 paid weeks off to go to a fun all-women’s sports camp. And I’m assuming by “distend their egos” he means do a bunch of shrooms, contemplate your place in the world, and close out the night with a drum circle around a big bonfire.