Mod Announcement

@bluepenguin1987 I think that most of the people who complain about "excessive moderation making a subreddit slow" have this weird Instagrammy/Facebooky/Twittery mentality where they care more about seeing a bunch of shiny new things when they come back multiple times an hour/day, and whether or not those things which are technically new are actually any different is an extremely distant concept. It's like living in a bizarro world when I see these people effectively saying they'd be perfectly happy with a hundred posts asking the same six questions every day just because they all have a different username and timestamp attached to them.

And, I think some people simply can't grasp that fitness is not a fast moving topic that results in a deluge of new and interesting things to consume. If you've spent 6 months to a year following fitness you're gonna get pretty much all there is to get that's unique.
@dawn16 The complainers are the same types you've dealt with on r/Fitness where despite ease of finding answers to their questions and several different threads to get social interaction - complainers still need to make everything about them on the front page. I wish the mods would tell the complainers to pound sand because they're not the people that make quality content in the slightest. I'm not even looking forward to the incoming jerks.
@acer621 I never commented on the original post that led to this as I believe how I felt had already been said.

But this response is absolutely the best mod response I've seen on a subreddit when put in a situation like this. Honestly guys, massive well done and another massive thank you for listening to everyone and their views.
@acer621 Thank you very much. I both applaud all of the intent, care and consideration that went into the rules as they were, and the same that went into gracefully acknowledging that it doesn’t seem to be working. As a long-time denizen of this sub - and as a woman who found the support here years ago to be a big part of helping me find my own athletic identity - I have also felt like I lost something in this sub this year. I didn’t know if part of that was my own evolution (and admitted lack of patience with the newbie questions and the 3000th post on “here is a picture of my body tell me what’s wrong”), but I can say for sure that when I did feel compelled to post or comment I began to feel extreme hesitation. Thank you sincerely for being open to the feedback.