Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

@darksoul999 FWIW I typically go 3-4 times a week and got away from PPL because I thought I didn't need all that rest like the comments were saying. And I noticed an immediate dip in my results.
@darksoul999 Yeah it depends on how you are training though, if your ppl once a week is programmed like twice a week you are probably missing out on more gains than you could be getting.

I swap between them and program them differently, twice a week is just focused on hitting enough stimulus to grow but being able to recover for next session, once a week is going all out with extra intensity techniques.

I find twice a week is usually a pretty boring workout based around fatigue management and hitting minimum goals, once a week I am pushing pr's doing experimentation with exercises/intensity and throwing in extra sets and reps even if they are junk volume I am trying to squeeze out everything I can because I will guaranteed be fully recovered by next session.
@darksoul999 Looking to start this but not sure if I want to compromise strength in a pressing exercise on push day. In other words if I do shoulder press after benching I will be weaker or vice versa. I was thinking of doing Chest/tris - back/bis - shoulders/legs instead but shoulders and legs on the same day seems like a lot.
@darksoul999 The best gains in my life were in my 20s and 30s doing the push-pull split 4 x a week, push twice and pull twice (incl legs). Now I’m in my 50s and an avid road cyclist. The PPL split works well. Some weeks I can get in 4 or maybe 5 days. I’m so tired from cycling and age that the best I can normally do is 3 x a week, one body part a week. I’ve witnessed moderate gains this last year, but I think more frequency could lead to faster profession. And if I cut down on road cycling (which I won’t). I just don’t have the gas in the tank anymore!