Anyone eating relatively high amounts of protein without any farts?

@straw23 Bloating / gaseousness is definitely something a lot people experience more near the start of going vegan, I believe it's got something to do with an increase in the amount of fiber in one's diet?

I've been vegan now for 5ish months and I'm hardly ever gassy, that's with about 120ish grams of proteins per day.

It's more likely to be other factors imo, both alcohol and carbonated drinks are major factors in how much gas builds up in the digestive tract. Similarly, if you eat a lot of fermented foods this too can make some people very gassy.
@straw23 I drink a protein shake most days made from: sci-mx v-gain chocolate protein powder, unsweetened soy milk, oats and pure peanut butter. That's makes up 70-75g of my daily protein intake.

As far as meals go, i tend to stick to whole / minimally processed foods so i mainly eat chickpeas or lentils. I'll sometimes have tofu or kidney beans etc in a chilli.

I also use chickpea pasta in my recipes that call for pasta because it's loaded with protein, too. Whole wheat wraps/pita contain a decent amount of protein too if you're fancying more of a salad-style thing.
@straw23 Something that actually makes a big difference i found is moving about after eating. Going for a short 20-30 minute walk after dinner really has helped me with digestion overall.
@straw23 Eating too fast, not chewing the food up good enough, or long enough could be the culprit but, farts are usually caused by eating foods that don't mix well together, also everyone has a community of gut microbes that love or hate what we feed them that causes them to release toxins. One more helpful thing would be to take a Dosha test which is found on line. Once you take the test you can figure out what type of foods are good for your Dosha which is based on Ayurvedic principles. There is Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas which all of humanity are either one of the 3. Good luck, and enjoy the journey of getting to know your body. Patience is key. Peace
@straw23 It might be the type of protein. I didn't realize until an embarrassing about of time later (years) after making an offhand comment to my dietician, that I'm a bit sensitive to pea protein.

Whenever I ate Ben and Jerry's vegan ice cream, I'd get super smelly farts, for the longest amount of time, I thought it had something to do with too much sugar. She looked up the ingredients and said suggested notice if I fart more when I eat pea protein. I had a pea protein bar and lo an behold...

Now I stick to hemp proteins, or any other vegan protein, no more smelly farts.
@straw23 I eat vegan keto and stick with mainly lean protein like tofu, Tofurky, edamame, etc. I rarely fart. I read somewhere that farts are usually, like, related to carbs and sugars in digestion? Like they’re, like, caused by undigested saccharides or something to that effect? I started paying more attention to that connection and noticed that when I decide to eat carby, by the next day I’m soooo gassy. Switch back to keto, back to barely farting again.
@dawn16 ok that´s very interesting :) I also noticed benefits from keto, but unfortunately soy seems to make me feel emotionally less stable and maybe also makes me loose more hair...
@straw23 I don’t recommend keto to anyone, as I know it is not for many, but just wanted to add my experience to the fart discussion haha. I find keto helps my mood, but everyone is different. I did lose some hair initially when I first went keto, but in my case, I lost a lot of weight at that time, and the hair loss was like a temporary stress response to the shock, but I didn’t lose an overall noticeable amount before the hair loss stopped as my body adjusted to a new norm. Just my personal experience.