Anyone eating relatively high amounts of protein without any farts?

@straw23 Honestly I had to quit trying to do vegan fitness because the phytates in legumes/grains made me bloated to the point that I couldn't sleep or do anything because I was in so much pain all the time and farting like every 2-3 seconds, not exaggerating. I tried all the tricks, soaking, sprouting, fermenting, water changes, skimming foam, pills, inoculants, enzymes, you name it, I tried it. The only thing that sort of worked was eating green peas and edamame rather than dried seeds, but even then if I ate enough to make up a significant amount of my protein needs I was back to dying of blimpification. If I could afford to get my protein from spirulina that had been certified free of neurotoxin producing algae contamination, nutritional yeast, pine pollen, bee pollen, goji berries, and nuts I would give it another go but that diet would cost north of 1k/week.

Edit: a word