Anyone else feeling EXTREME hunger the day after workout?


New member
Hi everyone!

I’ve been struggling lately and I need your advice. I’ve been working out regularly for years but only this winter I started doing cardio and progressively increasing my weights at the gym.

I work 9:00-18:00, and I usually have my workouts at 19:00 (2-3 times a week). The problem is that I can’t stop being extremely hungry the next day after my workouts. I try to eat protein rich meals, I don’t count calories and im not really focused on weight loss, but the hunger makes it hard for me to be productive at work. I mean I have breakfast and my stomach is SCREAMING for food 1-1,5h later. The same with lunch and dinner. I started adding more oil & nuts to my meals but I’m still struggling lol.

Any advice?
@clarky Only during my period do I get extreme hunger. Honestly it sounds like you should listen to your body and eat more. Have you adjuted your calories up to account for the weightlifting? If its only started this past winter, youve probably built up some muscle and increased your TDEE
@sandralois Yes I agree, what’s ur height, weight and how much are you eating?

I’m on a calorie deficit now and workout 4/5 days a week with an active job and still feel satiated.

Are you eating high volume foods for the calories?
@darthbreezy I’m 157cm and 55kg. I don’t watch my calories. I have been lacking high volume foods to be honest - it’s not the season where I live yet so fruits and veggies are not the best. Maybe that’s the key! I will make sure to eat more of them from now on
@sandralois Thank you for your advice. Tbh I’m a bit nervous to gain fat and that’s why I am a bit anxious around food.
I don’t eat perfectly. I mostly eat whatever I want on weekends (and I feel satisfied & not hungry at all). On work days I try to eat healthier foods - lots of veggies and fruit, increased amount of protein etc. you’re probably right that I need to eat more during work days
@clarky It doesn't have to be more junk food, it can be more healthy food if that helps you ease into it! It can be a hard shift. But I suspect that your body is telling you it needs more energy to fuel your workouts
@clarky Well if your body is screaming at you for food you most likely need it. How much are you eating day to day? How are you refuelling after workouts?
@clarky There’s a lot to unpack here.

First, what is your goal? I’m writing this assuming you want to lose weight because that’s what most people in this sub are looking to do.

If you’re not looking to lose weight, then the only solution for extreme hunger is to eat more food. However if you are looking to lose weight, you’ll need to be a little more strategic about it. You’ll want to focus on increasing protein and fiber in your diet.

If you’re increasing cardio with the goal of losing weight, you might be shooting your self in the foot because cardio will increase your hunger levels and make weight loss more challenging. That’s why low intensity movement, like walking, is best for fat loss.

Secondly, while you want to make sure you’re getting sufficient fats in your diet for satiation and hormonal health, at the same time, the last thing you want to be consuming large quantities of are nuts and olive oil if you’re trying to lose weight bc they are very high in fats and fats have more calories than any other macronutrient. Which means- a very small portion of these foods contains a lot of calories, so they aren’t good foods to keep you full if you’re trying to lose weight.
@clarky This happened to me when I took up running. Huge hunger pangs. Upped my cals by 150-200 on average and felt a lot better lol. Previously I was lifting and running at 1600-1700 calories (losing like 0.8lb a week) but that wasn’t sustainable for me. Eating at 1900 and sometimes closer to my maintenance of 2100 and feeling a lot better (still losing weight on this cut but much slower, 0.3lb a week or so, and I’m much happier!).
@clarky If you’re getting hungry, you’re probably eating less than your maintenance for a long time or you’re doing too much cardio. Excessive or extreme cardio can raise hunger signals. I suggest you track your calories a little bit against your TDEE to see if you are undereating.
@lawrencehart Agree, tracking can help identify if there's a big disconnect between calories burned and calories eaten. I think there's a misconception on this sub that you have to track everything, every day, when in reality a few "check ins" for a day or two every once in awhile can be a useful tool.
@nezsruiz Yes. Exactly. Adding to what you stated, the misconception is due to people’s perspective that Tracking can lead to disordered eating, however it’s more of a measurement and understanding of your total calories in and out.

I like to track everyday especially since I’m working with a coach to reverse and increase calories.
@clarky For me it’s later in the same day, not so much the following day. If I work out at 6 am, I actually lose my appetite until after lunchtime and after that time then I’m ravenous 😭 It might be different if I work out in the evening but morning workouts fit better with my schedule and I definitely prefer them.
@clarky I would say my appetite definitely goes up but not to an extreme. If I make sure I’m properly hydrated (electrolytes are a must for me) and eating enough protein, fiber and healthy fats then even at a slight calorie deficit I can feel satiated.

I know you’re not counting calories, but maybe that’s part of why you’re not eating quite enough? You may need more calories, and/or more fiber and fats in particular? Electrolytes may also be an issue to consider, it may be partially due to dehydration.