Anyone on here losing or had to lose big like around 100lbs?


New member
Hey everyone. 5’2, nearly 40, lost 60lbs so now at 165lb, probably another 40-50lbs to go

And ladies I have been here at 165 for 5 months.

So I’m interested in how your stories and journeys went when you were around the half way mark of biiiig losses like me

Summary of me:
  1. I am a measurement boss. I measure everything. Even the grams of spices and herbs. Every liquid, gas, molecule you name it me and my scale which is highly functioning and not broken is right there.
  2. I did not do any exercise for the first 60lbs. For the first 3 months of stagnating at 165 this also meant no exercise. The last two months I am doing 3 x 30-60 mins steady state cardio. 3 x calisthenics (about to switch to weights with a trainer). I am otherwise sedentary desk job girl
  3. I am on 1370 calories a day. According to Apple Watch my tdee is 1900. Who knows if that is accurate. I don’t want to be eating less than that if possible.
  4. I don’t know how much muscle I have. I think more than one might expect from historical athlete days. But I’ll be starting with a strength trainer next month
  5. Sleep is excellent. Stress high but I am in therapy. I eat home cooked foods. I eat 100g protein a day (keeps me sane). The most artificial food I have is protein powder
  6. One of those 5 months I mentioned was a maintenance break. Yeah. That didn’t seem to do the trick. Maybe I did it too long
  7. I have hypothyroidism but it is very well medicated
  8. My human weighing scale is also not broken
  9. Body measurements not changed
  1. I decided to do a deep dive into my last 5 months of MFP. Well I realised a few uncomfortable things. I haven’t been as consistent as I thought. Now I kind of knew this- I have to travel every month for my job for 1-2 weeks at a time. I go to some very far away places with interesting foods and have to manage without my controlled scales and counting approach (my strategy is a plate which is 50% fruit/veg and 50%protein or fat plus walking or climbing stairs if hotel doesn’t have gym). I think I have done alright since I haven’t gained tonnes of weight but I do think it’s contributed to my stall. I also seem to hella bloat when I fly a lot. Next week I have 32 hours of travelling just to give you ladies context. It seems what has been happening is I go on job travel. Gain a little or stall. And then spend the next two weeks undoing what happened on the work travel. Before I then travel again… might need another post on this point
@kaylarose3 dang normally I mention maintenance break but that is too bad it didn’t work 😔 And everything else is on point. And I agree with not wanting to dip lower on food I wouldn’t either. Ugh sorry you aren’t seeing further progress.

But congrats on what you have already achieved! 60 is no small feat 🥳 Hopefully you will eventually see some scale or measurement based progress again soon
@kaylarose3 I’m 5ft2 SW:180 CW: 143 GW:130 and I’ve been plateauing for 2 years! If I want to frame it positively I guess I can say I’ve been maintaining for 2 years. But Im still trying to lose the last 10-15 lbs. admittedly for me I’m not very discipline with my calories counting though I’m extremely active (gym 5-7 days a week, walk 10k steps) so it’s very frustrating that I’m putting in the work but not seeing the results. I’ve recently started being more disciplined with my calories (on 1600 cals) so I hope to see some results soon
@ayensu Congrats on your loss!!!!! Keep it going - I need to work up to being as active as you but ‘just stick with it’ is definitely the motto for nkw
@kaylarose3 I just read your edit. I used to travel a lot for work, almost every week and I gained so much weight! I’m usually too exhausted to go to the gym and tend to eat very unhealthy meals. So it’s amazing that you’re maintaining with the amount of travel you’re doing
@ayensu I appreciate that! I’m currently in a country right now where they insist to cook for me 5 times a day. And certain food is scarce. So I cannot decline. It tough. Goodbye cico this week
@kaylarose3 I'm 5'3" sw: 225 gw: 120 cw: 173 aged:33
Have been up and down a couple of times. What I notice is when I stall out I can break through by adding fat and cutting carbohydrates for a couple weeks. I stay in my deficit which is my BMR minus 500 and I do 4x week 30 mins weight training with 4x week 45 mins cardio on top of that. But adding the fat was key to me kicking the stall to the curb. Bacon, butter, beef instead of chicken, lots of salmon, full fat cream for my coffee etc.. I eat as close to 100g protein each day as I can and make sure I get all my calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K but thats because bone density is something I worry about.

TLDR : try adding more fat to your diet for a couple weeks.
@johnaldo3965 Hey almost stat twin! I like the idea of adding more fat, I noticed I started to do this by accident when feeling hungry from the deficit. But I notice you write bmr - 500…. Whereas I would do tdee (as sedentary) - 500… so you must be on quite the deficit??
@kaylarose3 Yes I am on quite the deficit. My primary recommended it to me and stated it was okay as long as I got as close to 100 grams of protein a day as I could and take vitamins etc. He described it as gastric sleeve adjacent, so that diet without the surgery. So I'm eating between 900 and 1100 each day and try to work off 200 of that in the gym. My primary states that those with the sleeve eat as little as 400-500 and still work out so I'll be fine at 900 and once I'm out of the obese category we can talk about lessening the deficit ( I'm so close!).
@kaylarose3 Yes 150 here 5’3 been off 20+ years but I’ll answer anything as best as I can remember. I did not count calories or macros I did weight lift and run and I had a scale and my clothes to keep track
@kaylarose3 We're in a similar predicament (plateau) although I cannot measure myself and my foods too closely for a long period because I spiral and it f***s with me mentally. Also I have insomnia so am getting 5 hours of sleep on average, six at most. It's really stalling my progress even if I watch what I eat as closely as mentally possible, up my protein intake, increase my steps, and continue weight training and Pilates.

I am working on my sleep schedule (I work nights currently) by getting a day job and taking magnesium glycinate as well as valerian root (helps me relax and fall asleep faster). Trying to keep my protein intake to 100g daily.

I feel like you're in a good place, and I think strength training will help you lots.
@kaylarose3 Is there any wiggle room with your thyroid medication? Maybe you’re within “normal” range but are under medicated given that you can’t lose weight which may mean you are still experiencing symptoms

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