L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

@dawn16 Thanks a ton, could you upvote my comments, the reason is, I can't post it to subs cuz some asshole in this Indian Sub have downvoted me when I asked a genuine question( and with little knowledge they considered it as a threat and troll)

and this will refrain me from posting to other subs, this is the first time posting in Indian Fitness and people are crazy losers here, if you see the comments you will understand.

so, asking for your help. thanks, else its cool
@coffeeandprayer Na bro. The only chemical supplement i take is beta alinine and l-citrulline through pre workout. Gonna be honest, hunting for chemicals and supplements like these is complicating very simple things. This is way above the subs paygrade. Why dont you ask this to your ‘panel’ of doctors?
@mical Again, see that's the problem here with people is, when they do not know, they will stay poke their nose (still) (not talking about you !!

if you read my comments, I have panel of doctors, second, I ask and consult them , the reason is: I like to know other's opinions as well, third, I do not want to rely on doctors and most of the doctors do not have much knowledge as Nutrition, sports supplements are completely different category.

See, even you take Citruline and BA, and that's what I have mentioned and people have gone bonkers.

I have my blood report in my profile as well, if some ass(not talking about you) wants to check it.

and if they know, how to read it.
@nanalove If u do not have answer to my post, better refrain please? as everyone's life and body, diet is different, thank you,

I eat real foods as well, which I mentioned in one of the comment.

and replying on computer app, LOL, every body is diff, which you fail to understand, so as their individual goals, third, relying on app and not getting a blood work done including the hormones, is a lazy move.

Forth, your goals and mine, maybe completely diff, I'm not talking about a average Joe here, if you can't take supps, and your diet has it all (after getting a blood work) then do not go for it,

I take it for added benefits it gives me.