Are there any exercise more brutal than the horse stance?

@graced1257 When I used to be really into Kung Fu, we used to lock/wrap our legs or elbows another person while in horse stance and pull against each other. Becomes a super sadistic but pretty fun game to see who would fall or give up first.
@graced1257 lmao i didn't realize "horse stance" was a thing

as an Asian, my mother used to punish me by telling me to stand like this by the wall whenever I misbehaved

this stance, arms out in front of you, and no leaning against the wall otherwise I'll get hit with a stick on the legs
@graced1257 In my Kung fu days, most of the people in my school could hold it really long. My personal best was 40 minutes. Of course there might have been some technical differences to how we did it and how you are doing it, but it really does feel impossible at first but we had to do 5 minutes in a low-level test once
@graced1257 I raved about this in a rollerblading sub a while ago—the hip mobility benefits are fantastic, worth it for that alone. Also if you want a “progression” (maybe you have a time constraint) you can wrap an exercise band just below ur knees so that it’s tense when ur in the stance.
@graced1257 It’s not too bad if you don’t have tight hips. First time I’ve heard of it and tried it and it wasn’t too bad. I slav squat fairly often to open my hips up though.

Things like the dragon flag, planche and one armed chin up are legitimately impossible for a lot of people.
@graced1257 Old thread but you might be interested. There’s one old school kung fu stance called tiger jumping over the river. Try to hold it for a minute (hard). If interested I can post it
@graced1257 Start kneeling down facing the wall. Palms against the walls and arms fully extended. The goal is to keep the knees off the ground but as close as possible to it. Butt tucked in make your torso hollow. I’ll try to post it tomorrow.
@graced1257 We had to do over an hour of horse stance continuously in my Karate special trainings. The floor was drenched in sweat , sone folks collapsed and every second felt like an eternity in hell.
@graced1257 Do a horse stance, but extend both your arms out at your side to work your shoulders

Or Shaolin Style, horse stance and throw punches for 30s-1m intervals

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