At 42, it took a pandemic to get me going...but I’m about 8 weeks in and loving it

@bellec A nutritionist told me that after 40 intermittent fasting is not as effective (at least to gain muscle because of the decrease in testosterone production), and that a better strategy is to keep the body supplied with a steady amount of protein throughout the day, which implies combining it with fiber in order to slow down absorption.

A coworker of mine is pushing 50 and he swears by intermittent fasting, so maybe it could be good to shed those extra pounds and then switch to a more steady intake of protein once you get to your desired weight.
@helio I will wait patiently for your success post in a couple weeks, if you’re hear and thinking about it, you’re just millimetres from making it a reality. Stop thinking and just do, I promise you will see results and you will be hooked soon enough
@bellec Not a long post. Good on you! I'd like to add on that diet is a huge part of losing weight. Think of working out as "how" you want your body to react to change and diet as the thing to do the change.

If you're just exercising though, my advice is to just keep chugging. You'll get there. I promise. Just keep going.
@bellec Congrats mate. I'm on the same path too. Diet biggest thing to get under control. Try this it's easy, works well and no stuffing round.

Brekky - half cup of oats and milk. 3 eggs.

Lunch. Palm sized protein, vegetables.

Dinner same as lunch.

Snack 1 tin tuna and an apple.

Try that easy as mate to follow and will work.
@bellec Nice ! I’m 41 and I said nearly the exact thing a few days ago. I committed to fixing my Anterior Pelvic Tilt, and working out while stuck at home. I started reading and meditating. What a horrible time,but a great opportunity to reset and Maje the best out of it.
@bellec Dude that’s awesome to hear! Keep getting after it and mad respect for not just saying fuck it. A lot of people would use some bullshit excuse, but you just got to work, so much respect for that.
@bellec I love weight lifting, but I've been on and off with exercise. Now, I don't know how to get that high with bodyweight exercises! Hence following this sub. Those exercise ladders sound fun though!

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