Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

@jesusiscoming01 Thanks! That was a good write-up. Something about the whole brutality of this program is really appealing to my masochistic side – all the descriptions of dread, ha! – and all of it is tempting to do just to say I did it and survived.
@jesusiscoming01 Holy volume!!! 10 sets of 10 on 5 consecutive days sounds absolutely torturous. Coming from someone who hates anything above the 5-6 rep range, i think this program would murder me. I constantly fear getting injured so it’s great to hear of someone coming back so quickly. Do you think being in lifting shape before you got injured helped you bounce back faster?
@hillfalk Well to be fair, it was only 2 days of 10x10. 5 straight days would probably have murdered me. 😱

I certainly like to think that a history of lifting and being active helped, but honestly, I think I just got really lucky. 🤷‍♀️

ETA: your Olympic lift write up was great btw!
@jesusiscoming01 My doctor cleared me to resume my normal activities, including lifting, but to avoid contact sports and falling down more stairs. 😂😂

This is a great write up and was an entertaining read! I really resonate with lacking the mental fortitude to push myself on AMRAPs, I can't imagine making it to the end of a 10x10 rep scheme. If you don't mind me asking how long did it take you to complete the work out at the beginning compared to the end, did you take the whole 4 minutes to rest in the beginning?
@shan73 Ah, great point I forgot to include. My first week was kinda weird because I was trying to determine the best weight, but I would say I averaged around 3:30 in rest time? Less for legs, more for the presses.

My lifting days took 75-90 min at the start and then 40-60 at the end. If I was rushed, I did abs separately. Strict rest times was hugely beneficially for me for spending more time lifting and less time fucking around.