Bodyfat Analysis COMPARISON: FEMALE - 26/27 years old - 5'5 / 5'6 - From 156 to 137. Figure Competition Edition!


New member
Hello everyone.

I've posted DEXA results in the past, which you can see here and here.

Today I'm here to present a comparison of a SECA method of measuring bodyfat. It claims to be 98.5% accurate - but gets less accurate the leaner a person gets.
  • 2-2-17 results can be found here. This album contains underwear photos.
  • 6-12-17 results can be found here This album contains underwear photos.
Points of Interest
  • Weight went from 156 to 137.2. Almost 20 lbs of weight loss
  • Body Fat % went from 17.9 to 5.5. While I DO NOT think I'm 5.5% (again why I question the level of accuracy of this measurement) I'm still intrigued to see the numbers.
  • MUSCLE went from 128.01 to 129.67. I GAINED 1.67 lbs of muscle on my cut.
  • FAT went from 27.99lbs to 7.53lbs.
Measurements From the respective days I took pictures:

Neck12.812.25.55 inches
Shoulders3937.71.3 inches
Chest33.331.51.9 inches
Arms12.912.5.4 inches
Waist28.726.52.2 inches
Hip39.736.52.2 inches
Thigh23.421.51.9 inches
Calves15.214.6.6 inches


  • Still shocked that I supposedly gained muscle
  • I do not think, given my lack of more definition, that I'm only 7.5lbs of fat. or 5.5% body fat. I'd still estaimte 9-10%.
  • My skeletal mass increased during my cut.

Just a few more pics to show stuff off.
@katzby23 I am curious about your cycle... do you still have it and if no, do you know what BF% you were when you lost it? No worries if you don't want to answer. You look awesome! x
@antinomian So, I've posted about period irregularities before, but a recap.
  • June of 2015 I lost my period. At that point I don't know what my BF% was - but I went from 135ish pounds to 120 over the course of 3-4 months and lost my period 1 month into that cut. I stayed at about 120-125 for the next year. I got my bf% done in April 2016 and May 2016. First put me at 15.7% and the second put me at 12.2 or 12.3%. Still no period.
  • Over the summer of 2016 I average 125-130 because my doctor told me to put on some fat because of the no period.
  • In October of 2016 I started bulking. I put on about a pound a week from October to February. Went from ~130 to ~150. I got my period for the first time in 18months in January, a regular period in February, a light period in March (after a month of cutting), and haven't had it since March again.
I lost my period to begin with because I went balls to the wall with losing weight, lifting, running, etc. The second time I lost my period was somewhere between March and April. Beginning of March weight was ~149. Beginning of April weight was ~145. Beginning of May weight was ~141. The odd thing is my period loss this time around was at 10lbs heavier than I was the first time I lost it. Dunno if the weight difference is a lot of muscle gain, and therefore still having a similar body fat (weight wise) as when I lost it the first time or if something else is goingon.

I intend after this figureshow to let myself normalize for a month (diet and exercise wise) and then do a hormone panel. I'm curious as to what a test like that will reveal for me.
@antinomian I thought that too until I read somewhere that not having a period can lead to your body taking minerals from your bones thus creating the conditions for osteoporosis. I originally sought out the first DEXA scan to make sure my bones were ok after not having a period for a year. They were fine at the time thankfully.
@katzby23 Question: what's your diet like? Like, calorie-wise, how much of a deficit do you aim for? What are your macros like? I'm struggling to make progress and need to make some adjustments.
@palerider316 Frankly, I hired a nutrition coach to do this for me. I was super OCD with macros and calories and thought mentally I'd like the break of letting someone else do this portion of prep for me. It's super easier for me to just eat whatI'm told to eat instead of guessing macros myself.

The last two weeks have been in a not healthy range of calories - so I won't say how much of what I'm eating, but the foods in my plan are:
Oats, egg whites, protein powder, English muffin, eggs, chicken breast skinless, various non-starchy veggies (salad mixes, SOME carrot, SOME tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, cucumber, asparagus, snap peas, snow peas, and peppers), had rice and white potatoes for a while but now it's sweet potatoes, cashew milk. I do use artificial sweeteners more than I should, but protein waffles need [sugar free] syrup lol.
@palerider316 If I had to guess - my deficit is close to 500 a day since I've been pretty consistently (up until 2 weeks ago) losing 1 lb a week. Two weeks ago I cut creatine and lost some extra water, making my average total closer to 2-3 lbs.

Progress is one step at a time and until you master the smaller parts, the big picture won't really come together. I don't know what your goals are, but regardless the goal should always be maintaining health (overall / in the long run). Define what that means to you. Define what little things make up health. Aim to do that little by little. I did not get to where I am today physique wise overnight. I've lifted for 4 years now. I chose to bodybuilding last year, but actually put effort into it starting Sept/Oct.

Seriously, if you can manage just eating similarly every day for 2 weeks and just assess if you're losing or not and adjust accordingly - it really isn't intense.
@takkula I have a coach that trained me. From November til now my program changed 4 times. It was all over the place and is a lot to actually type out. It did follow your typical body part split 5 to 6 days a week. Cardio was increased as I am getting closer and closer to show date. I was in the gym for at least an hour to an hour and a half each session.