Lifting is a women's bestfriend for getting toned. (-5lbs, 19.5% bodyfat)

@elijaht agree- and even 1850 kcal per day at this height/weight is a deficit. I'd imagine feeling so drained! OP has 4 inches on me and I get hella irritable at 1500 - could not imagine what adding a 48 hour fast would be like
I also calculated the dinner and I think that’s just under 400 calories. I think your calculations are off to the extent you’re eating a couple hundred calories fewer a day than you might think!
@christianwithhope This is great, I was literally just thinking last night about switching to this kind of fasting regimen, and now I'm definitely going to do it! Whenever I've had to fast for a medical procedure, I always feel much better for days after. I think regular fasting could really help my performance, in addition to aesthetics.
@angelbaby1977 The first day not at all. Your glycogen seems to be high enough in the first 24 hours to lift at full potential. I usually fasted Saturday and Sunday, so on the second day no workouts. On Monday I would notice a small decrease in lifts (maybe 5lbs less or 1 less rep) but that seemed to bounce back by the end of the week.

Performance was MUCH better fasting every second weekend then when I was cutting at a 500 calories deficit. In that case my lifts just seemed to slowly decrease week over week.
@sharkiemcgee I do a different form of intermittent fasting. We eat during a 6-8 hour window and fast 16-18 hours. We finish eating dinner by 7 and then we don’t eat again until the next afternoon. I’m usually happy to just have a snack around 3pm and have dinner be my one real meal a day.

It works really well for me and weight loss has been more consistent than anything else I’ve tried. Over the last year by fasting blood sugar levels have improved as well.