Lifting is a women's bestfriend for getting toned. (-5lbs, 19.5% bodyfat)

@artosgalleries Thank you guys for your responses! I like the idea of eating only between a 6-8 hour window, unfortunately I work 10 hour days and I could make it work since my job is physically demanding.

And I’ll definitely have to slowly work my way up to 48 and see what works best for me. If I make big changes all at once it’s really hard for me to continue the practice.
@sharkiemcgee I’m a lot like you. Small changes are better and more sustainable for me. If you want to work towards longer fasts maybe ease into it by doing One Meal A Day on your days off?

Depending on how much weight you want to lose you might find the 8/16 fast to be pretty easy once you get into it. The first week was a little difficult bc I never skipped breakfast before but after a couple days I got used to it and feel better when I keep my fasting schedule right. I’m up early with my kids and running around all day and the fasting doesn’t bother me at all.
@artosgalleries I’d definitely be willing to give it a try. Right now I’m just try to lose a few pounds, my metabolism is starting to slow down and I’m trying to make sustainable decisions now before I start packing on the pounds.
@sharkiemcgee No calories at all from dinner Friday night until breakfast Monday morning. Just water, coffee and a bit of salt for blood pressure.

There's a lot of variations though so experiment and find out which one works for your lifestyle! Some people will do a 24 hour fast from dinner one night until dinner the next night.
@dawn16 I can’t do IF. I’m anemic and literally will pass out! I ate dinner at like 5 PM the other night and then worked the night shift from 8PM-4M, crashed at 5 AM, and then my body literally woke me up because my blood sugar got too low and I was feeling extremely nauseous. I’ve learned to keep bread and simple carbs by my bed at night to prevent this, it’s craaaaaazy
@claudia7 I’m the same way! Sometimes I will physically NOT be able to fall asleep and I’ll have to go downstairs and scarf down a banana or peanut butter toast. It’s the strangest sensation, but after the snack I’m sleeping like a baby lol.
@dawn16 I was out like a light! Crashed at 5, body woke me up at 8:45 or so and I thought I was like coming down with a virus at first before I realized it was just my blood sugar messing with me. It’s the weirdest thing!