Bodyfat Analysis COMPARISON: FEMALE - 26/27 years old - 5'5 / 5'6 - From 156 to 137. Figure Competition Edition!

@dawn16 I would actually put OP in the 15-17% category, to be honest.

I currently sit somewhere between 18 and 20%, and she is a bit leaner than I am, particularly her arms. She weighs about 3lbs less than I do and I'm only about an inch taller, for reference.

Definitely not 10%, in my opinion, but a solid 15% for sure.
@dawn16 These charts are particularly accurate, definitely less that 20% I'd say the lighting in the latest pics didn't do her justice, but she is very vascular, ab veins and all. My guess would be 13%-15%
@dawn16 To put my June 9th pics in perspective.

I've been in a deficit for 16 weeks. My carbs are quite low, especially since those pics are in the morning before I've eaten / had anything to drink. The lighting, while consistent, is terrible. I do not have a tan. Also - with the exception of arms/ I'm not flexing in most of these pictures. While I do not think I'm 5.5% - I also do not think I'm 18-20%.

I'll post a pic come show day of how I lean out - to compare to the 10-12% pic. I guarantee lighting, tanning, pumping up, drying out, and carbing up will make it that I'm closer to the 10-12% pic than 18-20%.