Brother wants to work out but..


New member
My brother (M13) 5'2 and 109 pounds said he wanted to workout with me. I want to help him but every time i remind him to work out, he says no or stops halfway through the workout. Can anybody help me motivate/convince him?

P.S. I also need a workout buddy anyways
@howru lol he said he wants to but he is doing it for 1 day and stopping then doing it 5 days later and stopping halfway and shit so idk what he wants but you're probably right and thats what i was thinking when posting this
@esther1977 Yeah man kids brains ping all over the place, he probably just isn’t interested long term

A better form of exercise for him might be a sport, keeps him engaged
@esther1977 Have you changed the workout to suit a 13yr old?

Have you discussed his goals or just put him on your plan?

If you see he only lasts half a session adapt the workout to suit, something quick and engaging with few or shorter rest breaks.

First make it fun engaging, consistency will come then once it's a habbit work on everything else, don't drill him on technique or form don't press him to go to failure or lift heavy just encourage him
@esther1977 He might enjoy short-circuit training. Higher reps shorter breaks not to failure.

Join excercises together without rest between like
- bicep cable curl and overhead cable tricep
- Machine chest fly and reverse chest fly

These can be done quickly and he might find more engaging

He will enjoy variety, and being challenged to a certain extent but he must be made to feel like he succeeded with each challenge.

Encourage a variety of activities not just weights at the gym. Some ideas, team sports football basketball martial arts, solo sports running swimming riding.

He might though want to be like his big brother so if you don't do these it will be harder to encourage him.

First form consistency and a habit, later grow the length and difficulty of each session.

Good on you for taking the time to think about how you can help your little brother. Wish I had a big brother like that.
@dobb thanks dude i really appreciate the compliment and the idea for short circuit training. currently he is looking for a gym membership and i hope that goes well and ill try to encourage him into that