Bulking and van driving

@godsdaughter97 Maybe but I doubt it. I take a good multi vit 3/4 times per week and also supplement with magnesium, ashwagandha, boron, vit d3 and k2 3/4 days per week (just so I’m not overdoing things) Plus I have minimum 5 fruit and veg servings per day and nutrient dense foods such as lean beef, chicken, fat free yoghurt and 4 eggs every day without fail.
@bc1 I was going to recommend moving after your meals but looks like you're already doing so. Maybe swap out some carbs for fats/protein and take some ginger/cinnamon. 400carbs would be way too much for me I would be falling asleep too.
@bc1 I would up my caffiene if you haven't hit the 400mg a day safe limit. If you have to go a bit over, it beats driving tired. Regardless of the sleep scores, I would raise that bare minimum of sleep to 7.
@copticlife112 I usually have one cup of coffee two max so I am below that. Just don’t feel great on caffeine and prefer to use it when cutting when needed. Sleep is generally 7 or above
@bc1 Oh shit! Okay, so I am now reading about how chewing gum can, in fact, help people stay more attention and alert in periods of boredom, like driving!
@copticlife112 I do chew gum and think it maybe helps a little bit maybe 5/10% or so which is handy. That’s literally all it is, outside of driving I’m healthy and full of energy. It’s just long periods of time still along with food that makes me sleepy. Wondering if gaming nootropics or something along them lines would help
@bc1 I'm on ADHD meds, and even then, I still get kind of sleepy on long drives. Of course, I'm not taking them for energy, and I've been taking them for years now, so it's not the same as someone who never takes them taking them.
@bc1 Man, you do sound dialed in and this is great, but you getting into a car wreck, potentially, could do greater harm... hmmm.. I wonder if chewing gum can help someone stay awake at the wheel? You have to be physically moving, albeit minimally, to chew the gum. I wonder if some little hack like that might help?