Calling all multi-sport ladies

@samuelpautu I’m currently doing triathlon with the end goal of Ironman this summer, so 3 sports plus strength training! Currently I train 6 days per week, most often 2 sessions per day, and 2 of each sport per week. I work 8-4 and have a gym and pool at work for context.

M - F I fit my training in early morning or at lunch time, and I come to work a little early and take a longer lunch for my lunchtime training when it’s an hour or more. Sometimes I make my runs and rides a part of my commute if I can. I just have to plan ahead to have everything at work the day before (food, clothes, etc). I have a decent set of dumbbells at home so I do at least one strength session at home.

Weekends are usually long rides and runs and I also like to get those done earlier in the day to make sure I’m not neglecting my family!
@samuelpautu Honestly chaos. And multiple workouts a day
I have two main sports, frisbee and riding and then I do weight lifting and running both to support my sports and a little bit in their own right (pull ups will not really make me better at either but I just really want to be able to do pull-ups for example.)
I typically look to ride 3-4 times a week, play frisbee 1-3 times a week, have one heavy lifting day and two smaller lifting days, and go running 1-2 times a week with one long run and one fast or short run usually Tabata style. The frisbee various wildly by weather it’s in season or the off season.
My current default off-season schedule looks like this:
Mon: ride pony
Tue: Plyos/legs and frisbee
Wed: fast run, arms and abs, ideally ride pony
Thur: ride pony
Fri: long run
Sat: pony jumping lesson and full body gym
Sun: rest

It is primarily optimized around my work schedule and time availability rather than for maximum gains and I think since the start of the year I’ve executed it like this once, but I have managed to do all of the things or a substitute (second frisbee for one of the runs) probably three fourths of the time. And then I often drop a pony ride or smush legs and arms and abs together and just do my favorites and not all the exercises
@samuelpautu I do triathlon, so I've got a standard training plan that gets all 3 disciplines in for me. Here's an average week:

Monday: swim (PM) + stretch/yoga (lunch hour)

Tuesday: run (lunch) + bike intervals (PM)

Wednesday: swim (PM) + bodyweight (lunch)

Thursday: bike intervals (PM)

Friday: run intervals (PM) + yoga/weight (lunch)

Saturday: long bike ride

Sunday: long run
@samuelpautu I've been doing it for years and it's worked really well! From what I understand of the science behind it, it's really good for building up your cardio and endurance, which is nice because I don't care about speed :)
@samuelpautu I'm not the best, but I've always had multiple sports going on at one time. And to me, I think it's really important to pick which sport is the most important to me and need to be prioritized. Because if you're trying to make all your sports equally important, what you're going to deprioritize is your recovery, and you're going to get injured.

So like, for example, when I did Roller Derby and Crossfit and Obstacle Races at the same time, Roller derby was more important to me. It was what I was competitive in, I was captain of the team, Crossfit was a thing I primarily did for cross training but it was fun to try hard and get good scores, and obstacle races were a fun thing I did on the weekend with my friends that I wasn't expecting to place at.

So what that looked like was that I would pick the most important roller derby days (Thursday team practices, and then any Saturday or Sunday games or scrimmages of the season). And for those days I'd always put a rest day or a mild workout before, so I came to roller derby fully rested. On workout Sundays, or Tuesday contact practice at roller derby, it wasn't super important that I came in fully rested, so Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays were fair game for going ham on some other sport. Monday and Wednesday I'd usually schedule Crossfit, and I'd try to do my most intense Crossfit work on Mondays, when I had a full couple days to recover before the "important" derby practice, and on Wednesdays I'd scale as needed to make sure I could come to Thursday derby fully recovered.

And that's always changed a bit with what the sports are, but I think it's really important that you decide for yourself, what you're focusing on right now, and what is a fun thing to do that might take a back seat if your body isn't up for it on any given day. Cause otherwise you'll start comparing yourself to other athletes who focus on one sport and kicking yourself for not making everything work when sometimes it's just not possible to make everything work.
@samuelpautu My hobbies:

Winter - Snowboarding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing. But this winter was lazy...there was no snow. ugh.

Spring/Summer - Mountain biking, water sports

Fall - Mountain biking, dirt biking

We're pretty busy people so we aim to strength train 2x a week which includes priming and mobility exercises before and after (MindPump workout programs). At least 1x a week I try to do yoga as soon as I wake up (Free Yoga With Adriene on youtube). 1x a week I try to get on the spin bike (Free spin classes with Kayleigh Cohen on youtube).