Can I achieve a better aesthetic with body weight exercises only?

@echelon87 I’m actually trying that too! I was able to last 5 days on 16/8 but then the weekend hit me like a truck lol. I am trying to get back on again as I really liked how it made me more aware of what and when I was eating. I cached myself several times going for a late evening snack lol.
@tianguis I actually take a break from fasting every weekend! Unless it just happens naturally. Keeps me sane haha. During the week I do 16/8 or longer depending on how I feel.
@tianguis I think we’re body twins! And I’m working on the same thing. Right now I’m doing 30 minute runs 2x per week, one long 40+ minute walk uphill(on the treadmill) and 3 days of body weight exercises. I follow a program, I found online and the workouts get progressively harder. I’m definitely getting stronger. I occasionally add HIIT after the body weight workouts for extra calorie burn. I think the cardio is removing my fat and the body weight exercises are making me stronger. I’ve been super weak since having my second baby(who is now 3.5). When j finish the program I plan to move on to weightlifting.

What’s most important is doing something you enjoy. If you enjoy body weight exercises go for it! Also I feel intimidated by the gym as well. I started out only doing my cardio there, the moved Stretching on the floor after, now I do my body weight workouts there as well. Hopefully another 8 weeks from now I won’t feel so awkward about using the weightlifting equipment! Good luck!
@oleboy41 Yay body twins! Lol

I also have a 3 year old :) and I also use only the treadmill about 3x a week. I’m starting some at home body weight program I had used before and hopefully I will feel confident enough soon to use the machines at the gym.

I’m stocked that you’re seeing results already! Good luck to you too!
@tianguis I lost ~30 lbs counting calories with a goal of losing 1 lb of weight a week (eating at a deficit) and staying high in protien so I could still build muscle, as well at doing pilates (Blogilates on YT) 4ish days a week. So if you want to see more fat loss than yes, proper diet AND exercise is the ticket. I have to disagree with some people here saying you won't get significant results using bodyweight exercises. I only think that's true if those exercises aren't challenging to you, and you really need something to up the ante. Or I guess if you were already low in body fat and needed muscle to change your body, but that's not what you were asking about.
@soulyrical I definitely find bodyweight programs challenging. All my limbs end up trembling after each session and I get sore muscles the next day so I guess it still makes a difference. As many suggested I will start with bodyweight and go to the gym once I feel I can do more!
@tianguis That sounds like a great idea! After about a year of doing bodyweight I'm finally feeling like I'm at a point where I could challenge myself more with weights. Every person is in a different place on their fitness journey. Good luck! 😊
@tianguis I’m sure you know this already, but don’t let the trembling and muscle soreness deter you. Especially when you’re just starting out, your muscles will definitely tremble. I haven’t read through all the other posts on this thread but it’s really really important to make sure you’re getting adequate stretching in too. While muscle soreness should be expected, if you’re working out multiple times a week and not stretching, you’ll be more prone to injury. For every hour of working out, stretch or foam roll at least 15 mins. It’s always over looked but if you pull something or injure yourself, it will interfere with your workouts and become yet another challenge for you.

Also, as for diet, consider something other than CICO if it’s not working. Especially on reddit, but just about everywhere, people are quick to claim CICO, or keto, or IF, or (insert diet type here) ‘is the only way’. The problem is, all our bodies are slightly different. Find the diet that is sustainable and that works for you. Even if it’s just keeping it to clean, unprocessed whole foods. Working out is great for the body and you’ll see some progress, but for the majority of us, we can’t workout enough to counter an unhealthy diet. My issue with CICO is that while over all, calorie deficits should lead to some weight loss, if it’s nutrient deficient calories, especially with work outs, it’s not going to be beneficial. You might lose weight, but less weight does not exactly equate to better health if the foods are nutrient deficient or the diet isn’t sustainable. Just food for thought. Hope this was helpful and good luck!! Remember, progress not perfection!
@marlien Stretching is my favorite part! The program I follow always ends with a good 10 minutes of stretching and it’s soooo good.

Thank you for you encouragement, it’s very motivating! ❤️
@tianguis You definitely can build a better body with only body weight exercises. But there’s only so much progressive overload you can do. I train upper body weigh weights because I just want to grow more there, and I’m sticking to body weight exercises for legs, until I will get to the point where I want to grow my legs. Honestly, body weight exercises are a good way to start off. You can always migrate to the gym later or buy some cheap dumbbells at winners!
@tianguis If the gym seems daunting, my favorite body weight “exercise” is yoga. It leans you out and is a complement to any other type of exercise you find that works for your body. For me, lifting low weight high rep on my arms and legs helps keep me tone but running and HIIT is what really leans me out. It makes sense, considering I did basketball, CX running, and tennis all throughout my childhood. But, with yoga you really get to learn what muscle groups your body naturally favors and that can help you in the gym if you decide to lift or even on which body weight exercises to do.
@tianguis I was the same SW (at my lowest 125 pounds) and my height is almost the same as yours at 5'5.5. I had also initially lost the weight with just CICO and the occasional cardio sesh, but I wasn't serious about working out and I had only dabbled in the weights gym, & I was also not pleased with my body composition.

It wasn't until I started the Strong Curves bootyful beginnings program, which was a lot of bodyweight exercises and only lifts with very small weights so you could learn form first. After I finished the first 8 weeks of that, I remember seeing a nice difference in my body fat, and looked slightly toner. Granted, I still had a long ways to go I remember thinking I looked better than ever before, and I was about the same weight!

This led to a long journey into weightlifting where I've been on various programs, and also just made up my own when I got bored with them.

Long story short, this has for sure been the biggest difference I've seen in my body composition and Im closer to my goal body than ever before! And I've only been seriously, consistently lifting since last December..I can't even imagine how great I'll look a year from now! But I think the lesson is: do what's gonna keep you working out almost every day, and you will eventually be very fit. But it will not come quickly, especially if you aren't lifting for aesthetics and eating the correct macros for your build/cut.
@raintiger I’ve received countless comments recommending Strong Curves! I’m so happy you saw progress and found what worked.

I understand this is not an easy task but I’m ready to work for it :)

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