Can I achieve a better aesthetic with body weight exercises only?

@rickyknight1 I am very biased :). It is pricey relative to other options but it’s worth it for me because it fits with my schedule/lifestyle (I work full time and have two small kids so I go before the family wakes up every morning). There’s no way I’d work myself out as hard as the OrangeTheory coaches work me. Others are better at self-motivating, pushing themselves, diversifying their routines — I’m not one of those people. I would recommend signing up for a free class and seeing if it’s a good fit for you. And don’t feel intimidated; there are literally all shapes/sizes/ages/fitness levels going and everyone is so focused on their own workout they don’t care what you’re doing.
@einekleinestimme I’ve also drank the OrangeTheory Kool-Aid and agree 100% with this. I went from doing nothing to going three times a week because I like it so much. The class is broken up into smaller chunks so you’re really motivated to give it your all.
@adebayo1 I actually did look into that, but the classes have set times and I need a bit more flexibility unfortunately. My job can be extremely labor intensive (I do occasional steam pipe fitting and General HVAC mechanical work) and that sometimes means taking more rest days so I don’t injure myself. Although even if I skipped half of the classes at the Y it would still probably be cheaper on a per class basis.
@adebayo1 I agree, check around at local gyms too and see what they offer. You may be surprised! My own gym offers OT type classes (heart rate based training) under the name Fit Lab. They are much less money than the OT brand of class.
@tianguis Rock climbing is great!! I actually saw a LOT more muscle improvement when I climbed more and lifted less. I posted these progress pics on here recently, but the first pic I was lifting 4x/week and climbing 2x/week and in the second pic I'm lifting 0-1x/week and climbing 3-4x/week! Huge improvements with overall fewer workout sessions. I think a lot of what it comes down to is how much you enjoy the activity you're doing...I find lifting to be extremely boring and so I wasn't pushing myself very hard.
@dawn16 Wow! Good job! I went to a trial class a few years back and it was so fun! But we moved a lot back then and I couldn’t commit to a class, maybe this time I’ll actually get into it :)
@tianguis Bodyweight progression requires a certain amount of coordination, it does have to get semi-gymnastic at some point. If that’s not going to be you, for whatever reason, you can use resistance bands instead.

Or do metabolic workouts (light dumbbells, doing sequences of exercises in quick rounds)
@isedelucky I've started going bouldering more regularly in the past couple of months, and my shoulders are looking great.

I just went out and bought a bunch of summer dresses with spaghetti straps to show them off more!
@tianguis You can get a little but not a lot. However, I do recommend body weight exercises to help build a small amount of muscle, get more comfortable with the forms you might be using in the gym, and gaining confidence by achieving small, reasonable goals.

If you haven’t been exercising for a while going to the gym and seeing all the heavy weights and people running for half an hour can be really daunting. Body weight fitness helped bridge that gap for me because I didn’t feel completely out of shape. I knew I could do a workout without weight so adding some into the equation was a lot less intimidating.