Can I take Creatine as a 15 y/o girl?


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Im a 15 yr old girl that has been lifting for over a year now and I have been considering taking creatine. Is it safe for me to take? If so what else should I know about it before taking it?
@suganyakarthick The whole 5g thing is kinda debated but it's a good starting point, dr.mike talks about it in one of his YouTube videos. These daily intake numbers can be different based on your body composition, luckily creatine is pretty much the safest thing you can supplements so it's low risk.
@dlyc There are no studies that shows that. Regardless of how much you take, your muscles will eventually saturate. After they’re saturated you’re at max benefit. Taking too much can upset your stomach a bit but you piss out the excess
@handymom Yea tbh you're right too cuz i read that study as well... Idk a few people (even those selling creatine) said 3g is more effective and better for your kidneys... Tbh idk i use myprotein and consume 3g since that's the scoop size too... I'm just 16 so tbh its your word against mine :)
@dlyc Those selling creatine? Its sold everywhere, you can buy it at rite aid.

You’re young so i get it. I remember being your age and thinking muscle milk was a a good protein. (Its not btw)

Some really good follows to learn the science behind supplements are jeff nippard and thomas delauer.
@raleigh36girl Yes, it's basically just food. It takes about 20-25 "servings", spaced out at least a few hours apart, before it is fully "effective" (when you've got as much retained that will be retained). You might not notice anything at all, you might notice a couple pounds of water gain (don't worry, it's a good thing), you might notice you can squeeze out a couple extra reps.

It's not going to do anything dramatic. It helps you work a tiny bit harder before muscle fatigue hits, but it doesn't build muscle itself or anything.
@steve0000 You are not wrong, but i am confused how that relates to my point. You need an effective dose yes, and said dose will differ between users yes
@philjo Perhaps I answered the wrong comment, thought I answered on a comment thread which said something akin to;

"take 5 grams a day and you're good" --> "studies show that 3 grams per day is the best dosage" ---> *my comment*. My bad
@fatalfantasy I quite certain it not only helps with squeezing out more reps, it also helps with restitution - building muscle.(I don't use it though, makes me have to wake up and piss at night) Edit: looked it up and you are right, the post workout restitution effect is unclear. But more good reps = more growth stimulus so in that way at least.
@gonick It could be worth taking 1/2 the dose just for the body size difference. I'm a 180lb adult man, and even I take a 1/2 scoop because I've been taking it for 8-9yr since college.

It also helps reduce cost!