Cardio vs weights.. what my dietitian recommended

@kroglk51 I don't disagree that cardio is important and a great tool for weightloss. Although I'm not sure if I agree that its better than lifting for body composition changes. Building muscles burns more fat in the long run than a more cardio intense plan. Maintaining muscles take more energy from your body, so you'll continue to burn energy even when you're not working out. It depends on how you want to look and feel. Building muscles will give you a leaner and toned look, as well as helping you feel stronger.
@kroglk51 Hi I’m asian 4’11 and 140. I carry weight in the areas area as you with my BF at 32%. I got a trainer and so far I enjoy the distribution I’m eating 1400 with high protein, moderate carb, and low fat. I lift 3x a week with cardio twice.
@kroglk51 it sucks cause it’s the lunar new year so i’m trying to stick with my diet! lol but my coach told me to just enjoy the holiday and come back the next day so it’s encouraging. she has me focusing on my steps and intuitive eating for the day which is reassuring.