Chris Hinshaw AMA

@oldman1941 Love your content Chris! Could you talk about your mental game a little? Specifically, what does your self-talk look like when you're in the dark depths of a pain cave and you need to push through to finish a race? Are there any quotes are mantras you repeat to yourself?
@oldman1941 Chris, would your training protocols change for a strength athlete seeking to improve their general conditioning (no specific goal) vs how you are training crossfit athletes who are preparing for the unknown?
@oldman1941 Hey Chris!

Have you seen any athletes with a major weakness in their aerobic capacity that prevents them from getting to regional or higher level?
For example, is it common or uncommon for an athlete to have the skills and strength, but never built that aerobic base? Ex. an athlete with very subpar endurance (noncompetitive 2k row, longer distance runs etc.) but a very competitive (regionals/games) fran time + other sprint workout time. Would you recommend working on aerobic the same as you would strength (ie. intervals at a percentage of maximal intensity to build capacity?)
@oldman1941 How important are running shoes for training running?

Im currently just running in my nike metcon 3 shoes but im considering to get a pair of running shoes. Is it worth investing in (and carrying both metcon+weightlifting+running shoes) everyday

im a heavier crossfitter (240ish lbs) so im thinking if i will hurt myself if i run in metcons. I have done it in every wod the last few years and even a few 5ks with no pain yet
@oldman1941 Hi Chris , i in Metron for a couple years, tks for the programming!!

I want ask what metrics do you use for compare 400m and 1mile ?
For see if people need more AT or VO2 , LT ?

@oldman1941 Hello Chris, being that Crossfit has a lot of anaerobic conditioning for the lower body movements (Hip Extension, Knee Extension, and etc.) in the form of high rep squat, deadlift, and Olympic/power movement variations, is it more prudent to focus on adding in high aerobic intensity VO2max workouts and lower aerobic training in one’s individual programming than adding more anaerobic sprints? It seems that if Crossfit’s high rep lower body workouts are sufficient enough for anaerobic system development (Max anaerobic ATP power development, lactate production development, and improved lactate tolerance) then it would only be useful to sprint for technique training and focus programming more workouts for the aerobic energy system. (Which is perhaps why you’ve devoted so much to bringing awareness to the lack of aerobic energy programming in Crossfit? Forgive me if I’m putting your programming and services in too small of a box so to speak as I see on your website that you do have some more anaerobic focused programming as well.)

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