Coffee drinkers/weight loss

@injesusarms I do french press with a splash of soy. Switching from cream to soy was the hardest part of going vegan for me. It just wasn’t the same. But now that I’ve made the switch, I can’t imagine going back 😂
@injesusarms Oat milk is so gooooood! I love it for cereal. I tried oat milk for the first time before I went vegan and it made me realize I could give up cows milk. (Thanks oat milk!)
@nbabkina When I started sobriety, I found black coffee as my go-to. I've found others who do the same. 7 years later, still like black coffee and trying all the different brands. I have changed it up a bit by waiting a few years after waking up to indulge because on the huberman podcast he says we release cortisol when we wake up, and coffee does it too, so wait a few 30 mins to an hour after waking to drink coffee as to not overload your stress hormone. Less bloated feeling and calmer to, so highly recommend.
@nbabkina I drink mine black now and I love it. When I decided to eliminate creamer and sugar, I just did it gradually until I was no longer adding anything to my coffee (except sometimes cinnamon). My taste just adapted to it.
@nbabkina I like coffee black, but prefer it with a little artificial sweetener. It doesn't sound like you really like the taste of coffee so much as the stuff you used to add to it.
@nbabkina If you're used to a really sweet creamy coffee and wants to scale back for calories/health you might want to wean yourself into less sweet coffee over a span of a month or so. Buy yourself a vegan flavoured creamer to use for now, and then make a plan to use a bit less everyday until it's gone. Train your brain to get used to the coffee flavour until you're at a point where your daily coffee fits into your macros.

I really like these creamers.

To start reducing sugar in your coffee from creamers you could start doing half almond( or prefered plant milk) and half creamer until you've adjusted to a less sweet coffee.

Ive always gone bath and forth from coffee to teas, I drink yerba mate now and it's way way better caffeine 'high' and I believe it helps with weight loss/ appetite control so maybe try a switch to that!
@nbabkina I take black coffee now. I used to take it with sweetener and a creamer, but I started measuring by the spoonful and gradually cutting back. Now I’ve been on black coffee for several years and just prefer it that way now.
@nbabkina Way before I was vegan I used to love sugary drinks like soda, sweet tea, sweet cocktails including coffee just like yourself. I now enjoy "good" coffee that tastes better. I don't know if you can stomach it, but I also switched to cold brew as it cuts down the acidity in a lot of coffees if you like cold drinks. If I'm feeling it I just stick to a tablespoon or two of vegan creamer, usually almond milk or coconut milk so I get a hint of sweetness.

Good luck!