confused about my weight loss... [11:05]


New member
so ive been trying to lose 20 kgs (at 17) and ive just started taking it seriosly (lost 50 kg 2 years ago) been going to the gym for about one year now but didnt see a lot of results because of lack of macro counting and other stuff.. but now after a while im way more educated and put a 700 calorie deficit for myself to start with the problem is that last week i was 115.8 kgs now a week later im 115.5 i eat a lot of protein(200+ a day) and i track everything and realistically i should have lost 0.6 kgs according to my deficit but i only lost 0.3 could this be muscle gain ? or is my deficit wrong and i should lower it a bit currently at 2400 kcal a day (btw my deficit comes from walking 10 k steps a day and maybe a bit from the calories my body burns aka bmi and gym)
@ellann2 Make sure you take before/after photos every few weeks (and don’t check the mirror every single day). Weight loss fluctuations are common so over time it will be obvious but short term it’s hard.

Sounds like you’re doing the right things with high protein

I have two thoughts though:
1) are you doing any strength training?
2) your calorie deficit is high. Doesn’t mean it won’t work it just sounds challenging and hard to sustain long term. Where did you get your macro split?