Cool, basic outdoor gym area near my house; Is it enough!?

@slamoutte That's exactly what it's for! I can hit 9' right now! 10' is hard to get because of where it's positioned and well, it's 10 Feet :p

What is the vertical pole with three steps around it for? There are a couple stations I do not know the purpose of.
@jharrod84 If you’ve ever heard of Andrey Smaev, he trains basically in a park like this and he’s one of the strongest men on the planet. If you get some extra weight and get really good at weighted pull-ups and dips you can get stronger than most people who go to a gym
@jharrod84 That’s an awesome setup, in what sounds like a beautiful setting. That is perfect for prison style workouts. Just do rounds of pull-ups, dips, and push ups. Enjoy that beautiful setting!
@jharrod84 I've 80% of my training on something like that.

Additional gear:
  1. towel, for floor stuff and offset pull-ups
  2. /r/jumprope for cardio
  3. elastic band, for external rotations and adduction/abduction
Also, check out William Belle for lots of interesting moves to do on monkey bars.
@jharrod84 Dips, pull-ups and pushups are three compound movements that will pay dividends. Combine that with lunges, bulgarian split squats, prisoner squats, etc and you will be a monster.
@jharrod84 Not tryna hate on this post specifically. But all these, is it enough? Am I doing enough? Type posts are weird af. Like just get after it. You'll figure out what you want/need with time.

A lot of these posts are by people just starting out and for just starting out anything is good. Like if you can't do 15pull ups, 40 pushups, 20 dips, 15pike pushups, and hollow body hold for 2min, you don't need anything but a pull up bar and 2 chairs. I swear people overcomlicating the basics. Just get the basics good and after that you might need to get some rings and a weight vest and then once again get your basics strong af with rings and weight. This whole.process can take 1+ years depending on starting point. Just get strong af at basics.
@jharrod84 100%

i would recommend getting a set of gym rings. throw them in a backpack, and your good to go.

one thing... you want to avoid cardio before workouts. either drive to this location, or biking is probably fine, but do it chill. dont exert a ton of effort and get all huffy puffy before, or else workout will suffer.