COVID-19 Fitness Challenge - Weekly Update, Week 1 Kick-off

@baohomotorprovn250932 So glad I came across the challenge thread yesterday! I am in Seattle and gyms are closed as of tonight. I started today and am committing to 30 Days of HIIT (via the Down Dog app) and 30 Days of Yoga with Adrienne.

I'm 34F 5'7" 168lb. To stay fit I normally do powerlifting so no gym is going to be SO HARD. I'm hoping 30 days of HIIT will help me lean out and increase my cardio for hiking this summer. And yoga to help me relax because I am really freaked out tbh.

I am lucky enough to be working from home and have been walking my dogs in the morning and evenings and have set up digital wellbeing on my phone to help control the amount of time I am looking at virus info or people talking about it.
@baohomotorprovn250932 Just saw this and I'm on board! I've been messing around with a half-arsed bodyweight routine for months - having more focus and a definite goal date will be just what I need! Thanks for the links to the yoga and glute routines - I'll be doing those plus my own push-up thing where I just do push-ups when I think of it throughout the day. It'll be interesting to see what 30 days brings!
@baohomotorprovn250932 I have a subscription to Centr app and will use it for my workouts during this time. I'm getting resistance bands delivered on Friday and will add those in as well.

It's gonna be tough. My building's gym is shut down and I have room for precisely a yoga mat where I can work out in my apartment.

My goal is to not gain weight. I'm cooking lots of new recipes to keep myself from getting bored.
@baohomotorprovn250932 So since I’m doing the r/bodyweightfitness minimalist routine, which works best with some rest days, I didn’t do much of a workout today. But I did approximately 1.5 5-minute ab videos (a full one, then some exercises from the second since I felt the first had neglected lower abs). Think this will be a nice little habit to build!

That said dumbbells arriving Thursday and my city seems poised to be on full supermarket-and-pharmacy-only lockdown by end of the week. So at some point I may transition from the minimalist routine to a super lengthy upper-lower split and work out like an hour a day just to keep busy, lol.
@baohomotorprovn250932 I'm just starting a new training block with my at home workouts, so I'm going to do the yoga with Adrienne as my solidarity option.
I already work from home and work out from home, and I have a 'love it, but get squirrelly by Thursday" reaction to it. It'll be interesting where the next thirty days go, and what they bring.
@baohomotorprovn250932 I’m happy for this!! As far as I know I’ll be laid off in a couple weeks (private uni food service, vacation time to use up) and I plan on implementing bi weekly day long hikes, daily running and ramping up my weights routine.

(Breathing into paper bag frantically)
@baohomotorprovn250932 OK I'm in and thanks for starting this! Typically I only take walks and run (alternating days), 10k steps goal minimum via Fitbit. I've been trying to get into a strength routine and have been really inconsistent. I'm trying to develop some new habits being stuck at home with self-quarantine and mandatory telework.

So today I started the /r/bodyweightfitness Wiki Minimalist Routine to just do something.

What I'm most proud of is I did this at the end of my day. Typically I'd just be watching Altered Carbon on Netflix which I just started. But today I took a 3 mile walk and rang up ~15k steps, parented a lot, cooked a complicated and delicious dinner, and then watched an episode. After that I decided I needed to earn the next episode, so I did 30 minutes of the circuit. Yay! \o/
@vickic I’m doing the minimalist routine from there as well! Not doing the push-up challenge but have been wanting to get a full good form floor push-up for awhile now, hoping doing incline ones consistently for the next month as part of that routine will finally get it to happen.
@dawn16 Yes! I think the challenge is a bit firther along for me, too. I'm sooo weak right now. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. 🤷‍♀️

Consecutive pull-ups are my ultimate goal. I'd like to try climbing.
@baohomotorprovn250932 I did the first 5 minute ab challenge from the app that was shared, day 1 of the push up challenge and day 1 of the glutes challenge. Felt like I needed something more so I did the first day of the 30 day shred. Good luck to everyone!