COVID-19 Fitness Challenge - Weekly Update, Week 1 Kick-off

@dawn16 Thank you!! I just finished bulking and was starting to cut but wanted to continue to lift heavy. Now that the gym is closed, I want to at least stay active and do bodyweight as much as possible!
@baohomotorprovn250932 Thanks for this fitness inspiration and also distraction from thinking about COVID-19 all the time!

I’m committing to:
1. 10 minutes of yoga each morning (I do this to manage a healed but pesky ruptured disc)
2. At least 20 minutes of cardio daily (exercise bike or treadmill)
3. Strength train at least 4 days per week. I do an upper body workout one day, lower body workout the next day, and then a day of rest.
4. Avoiding overeating!

My goals:
1. Lose five pounds (I’m 162, 5’8’’, 37 years old).
2. Currently I can do two body weight pull ups. By the end of the month I want to be able to do 4.
3. I currently deadlift 66lbs. My goal is to increase to 86lbs by the end of the month.
4. Be proud of the difference between the before pics I took yesterday and the ones I’ll take at the end of this challenge!

About me: I’m married with a five year old. Her school is closed for three weeks. I am also in school to become a teacher and this is my final semester. My university is closed, and the school where I student teach is closed. I inconsistently use my home treadmill and exercise bike I got on Craigslist for $150 each. I used to dabble in body weight fitness/calisthenics for the convenience of it, but about three months ago I started using a 16lb barbell and a mixture of weights at home. Fifteen years ago I developed chronic debilitating low back pain, but learned to manage it with yoga and rest. Then, I fully ruptured a disc in my back while skiing four years ago. The recovery (no surgery, just PT) took nearly a year. My back is GREAT now due to following a daily gentle yoga routine, adding exercises from my PT to that routine, and remembering to stop exercise and get rest when I get the slightest twinge. I get a twinge every two months or so, but I can heal it within two or three days.

Due to my back injury history, I have been very slow and careful with starting up deadlifting and squats. My back did hurt two weeks ago the day after deadlifting, but it healed within two days. I deadlifted yesterday, and no pain today! This is purely anecdotal, but I think when I do back extensions (“supermans”) immediately after deadlifts, the back extensions prevent pain the following day. This makes sense, because the yoga pose called cobra (another kind of extension) is what the PTs healed my ruptured disc with.

Best of luck everyone! I’ll be rooting for all of us. Stay well!
@newktoo10 Oh man what's happening with your student teaching? I'm in field right now, and my university is all online for the rest of the semester, and the schools are out for four weeks. I hope my school will let me go back to field when the district opens up again. Are you going to have to do student teaching into the summer?
@newktoo10 What's your yoga routine? I find certain poses (ex. forward folds, anything that suggests I press my lower back into the mat) are a no-go. I have to be super gentle with things like cat/cow. Interested in what you've found beneficial!
@joemadison I hope this is helpful, but you and I probably have different back problems so please be cautious! I tried lots of different “beginner yoga for back pain” YouTube type stuff but they only hurt me. I finally got a link to this program through an NPR article about back pain:

From that PDF, I put together this routine I’ve done for years now:
1. Mountain (but I do it as tree pose)
2. A hip flexor stretch, not in the PDF
3. Cat/cow
4. Downward dog
5. Child’s pose
6. Cobra
7. Bridge
8. Knees together twist
9. Reclining cobbler

After tree pose, I do a kneeling hip flexor stretch. It’s not part of their PDF, just something I added at one point.

Anyway, it’s super basic but powerful! If I skip it, I get all sorts of problems-back pain, knee pain, tension headaches.

(Edited format)
@baohomotorprovn250932 Continuing my 10k burpees a year challenge, 30 burpees a day minimum on average, about 1/3 there already and I started January 1st.

Also posting live mobility videos everyday on my insta, and our CrossFit gym is creating and posting bodyweight video workouts to YouTube each day to go along with warm up & cool downs led by a coach.

So many resources out there. If you do decide to purchase or find a program please do your best to support local and small business first if when possible - these are the ones who are suffering the most from financial setbacks.