CrossFit Filthy 150 - Saturday Discussion Thread


New member

The open is said and done and we're on to sanctional season. Sorry for the late thread, I spaced a bit



Official Livestream

Morning Chalkup Stream

Friday Schedule

Saturday Schedule

Sunday Schedule

Event 4: Galen

Event start at 14:30 UTC+1/8:30 ET*

For time

2 unbroken rope climbs

Run 400m

2 unbroken rope climbs

Run 400m

2 unbroken rope climbs

Run 400m

2 unbroken rope climbs

Event 5 – Spinning Catherine

Event start at 16:25 UTC+1/ 10:25 ET

For Time:

160 double unders

10m regional lunge (1 dumbbell in front rack, 1 overhead)

24 alternating DB Thrusters

10m regional lunge

24 alternating DB thrusters

10m regional lunge

160 double unders

Event 6 – Big Go

Event Start at 18:35 UTC+1/12:35 ET


If you would like anything added please do not hesitate to fire me off a message. If you're going to be covering the event and would like your coverage included in the post, please do the same.
@jonjones229 Anyone else getting super irked by how the commentators are pronouncing the non-English names?

Im so used to hearing Sean Woodland saying "sarah sig munds daughter"

Now we got "SARA SIGMUNDSSDOTTIR". Lmao what am I even typing... 😂

This definitely is stupid but... anyone get what Im saying 😂
@lucb Oi! Us Euros are allowed one of those events a year.

You know, the one event where people pronounce our names correctly, and drink way too much coffee; also where half of all athletes look bewildered if you use a word like "quintessential".
@jonjones229 Some very questionable strict presses in that heat 2 of the team event (Sunday). Rising up on the toes in the press all over - some no repped, some getting away with it.
@jonjones229 Haven’t been watching but Sara is in a league of her own. She’s been training a lot more with Annie so hopefully we will see her on top of the leaderboard at the Games this year.
@jonjones229 Did anyone else notice Emelie Lundberg on her first place finish in Big go. She got out to a huge lead off of the first burpees so I went back and watched it. I was counting her pace and she seems to have only done 7 reps. Her judge was even calling her back but she finished the workout anyway and her time of 1:31 is still posted as the top time on the leaderboard. Has anyone heard anything about this?
@ladesman I was at it live and didn’t see it but the person sitting next to me said there was a big discussion at the end of it when she finished, head judge was called over. Not sure how it all ended though