Crossfit H-O-R-S-E


New member
Has anyone ever played a version of HORSE/PIG using typical crossfit movements?

I was thinking it would be pretty fun given the varied movements and skills that crossfit requires. The group of folks I usually workout with is only about 6 people, so the game wouldn't last too long.

I'll post results here once we play. But I thought I'd see if anyone else had previously ventured into this likely enjoyable experience?
@nae64 No but it sounds like something that could work...whereas in the basketball version you have the first person create the challenge of where the first shot is played ,you could have the first person in your Crossfit version of horse create the challenge of certain movements that need to be completed under a certain time cap (like 1 legless rope climb and 1 regular rope climb in under 40 seconds, or 70 unbroken double unders in one try, or 30 calories on the rower in under a minute, or 10 unbroken wallballs to a much higher than normal target, etc)
@nae64 One of the coaches at my box and another longtime member were messing about one morning, and decided to do Muscle-Up H-O-R-S-E. Our coach posted a couple segments from that on his Facebook, and it looked like it was a good head-to-head challenge.

Our coach won the H-O-R-S-E game, but got his ass kicked in the three rounds of handstand walk drag races they did that same morning.