CrossFit Newbie Trying to Lose Body Fat. Am I eating too much?

@oneiric1975 I would just stick with it. Consistency is key. Eat real food (you can identify where it came from), mostly plants, and not too much. Don't be too hard on yourself and give it time. It takes time but stay consistent, if you find yourself not eating good stop there, don't say fuck it and burn it to the ground. Can't really eat too many plants, get a protein source that isn't processed heavily and maybe skip a meal on rest days intermittent fasting is great and after you get used to feeling hungry and your body isn't screaming for nutrition pepper in some longer fasts (18-36) I find them surprisingly easy and very beneficial. Again listen to your body, don't fast on work out days, and if your sore probably better feed yourself.
@oneiric1975 1) keto is a terrible idea. Never do this again
2) seek help from a qualified nutritionist and possibly a counselor to reset your relationship with food.
3) do not take nutrion advice from strangers about whom you know nothing. Every person is different, every body is different. What worked for them will not work for you.
4) if you are doing CrossFit, food is fuel. Period. Approach it like that.
5) good luck